Own Your Time: Powerful Time Tracking & Productivity Hacks

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.


How to Say ‘No’ at Work and Save Time for Priority Tasks

A vast majority of us were raised with the belief that good people self-sacrifice to help others. We feel obligated to say ‘yes’ to others despite personal chaos. In the mix of things, hustle culture is a common, modern workplace practice that is finally showing its negative impact.  The hustle culture phenomenon can be best visualized as hard work on steroids. The thought that you should take ice-cold showers at 5 AM, have multiple side gigs, and work over 12 hours daily may sound a bit much. It’s the belief that one cannot achieve success without sacrificing personal comfort and happiness.  In reality, setting boundaries on how much you work is critical for your own sanity. And yes, you can become a successful professional with your personal boundaries in place.  But let’s first establish the reasons for saying ‘No’ at work more often.  Why is it Important to have Boundaries at Work? While you don’t necessarily need to explain yourself for saying no to more work, here are some solid arguments for your own awareness: Lower the Risk of Burnout Most of us struggle when approached by managers or coworkers to accept more responsibility and achieve work-life balance. Whether or not to say yes creates a stressful dilemma because you don’t want to appear lazy or a non-team player. However, accepting work when you do not have the capacity can lead to higher chances of burnout. According to the Work in America Survey of 2023, 19% of workers confessed their workplace is somewhat toxic, and 22% believed their work has harmed their mental health.  If you want to read more about career burnout, read our article Career burnout and its effects on health: how to prevent it. By saying no to work outside your capacity or scope, you can reduce work-related stress and stay healthy. Improve Productivity Prioritization is the first step in successfully achieving your goals. By properly choosing what you’ll channel your efforts into, you’re likely to make progress toward completing the essential tasks.   With focused work, you’ll also be able to deliver error-free, high-quality work that you can be proud of.   Avoid Anxiety You’re being unfair to yourself by adding more work to a full schedule. You eventually take work to home to meet the deadlines. With pending tasks glaring at you, you may fall into time anxiety, a serious anxiety loop that affects your health and productivity.  If you want to learn more about time anxiety and how to deal with it, check out our article Time Anxiety: what it is and how you can deal with it Being selective and prioritizing your work is a great way to ensure you’re effectively managing your time rather than falling behind daily targets.  How to Say ‘No’ at Work Understand Your Workload Start with analyzing your current job descriptions. What are you required to do each day, and what’s the importance assigned to each task? Are you successfully able to fulfill your key deliverables each day?  Understanding the components of your workload is crucial, as is assessing your manageable work volume. Since you’re the best judge of your ability to work under pressure, these thresholds should come directly from you.  Get a Time-Tracker A great way to study your daily schedule is to time your tasks and track yourself the whole day. Invest in an automated time-tracker that does the job for you. All you have to do is initiate it when you start working, stopping when you’re done. Go on and do the same for all your projects and subtasks. You’ll end up with a detailed map of what you do all day, and how much time is spent on which part of your day. Having real-time data to analyze your daily schedule offers several benefits: For example, spending 45 minutes to help with interviews will delay your client meetings for the next day. So you may have to delay your client meetings until after 2 days, should you choose to take up extra work.  This may encourage you to reevaluate and stick with your priorities. If you detect any time–robbing activities, you may work to eliminate them. Similarly, if you see yourself constantly working beyond your daily hours, you can negotiate for better overtime or ask management to keep rotating shifts for better allocation.   Be Assertive It’s not what you say but how you say it. Establishing boundaries will not yield results unless you follow up with assertiveness.  Set your limits and stay firm on them. If you find yourself making exceptions too often, you have boundary issues. If you’re loose with your boundaries, others will go a step further and exploit them. When you’re too passive, you’re considered a doormat and open to exploitation.  To avoid this, be clear and concise when setting your boundaries to show you’re serious about them. Find your voice and carefully choose your words. Don’t be afraid to openly communicate and answer questions regarding your boundaries. Be your own advocate; this means speaking up when overwhelmed.   Adopt a tone that’s honest, to-the-point and sure, giving others minimal margin to negotiate. In practical terms, this could mean signing out of work as soon as it’s 6 P.M or not responding to work emails during after-hours.  Communicate Often If you feel like your opinions are often ignored and people don’t take your boundaries seriously, now’s the time to communicate more. People who are introverts and sulk in silence instead of communicating their limits to their managers are frequently victims of work overload. Enhancing your communication skills is key to articulating your thoughts effectively and establishing clear boundaries. Being open to talk about your boundaries indicates their importance to you.  Effective and frequent communication can resolve underlying issues necessitating boundaries. Additionally, leading your interactions with clarity and respect can help you create a good rapport with your colleagues and managers.  Delegate There is no bravery in taking on piles of work that you can’t handle. Instead, foster a culture of delegating work

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10 Most Common Challenges Your Remote Workers Face 

As remote teams continue to thrive, managers are appreciating the benefits of having flexible work arrangements. Indeed’s Future Workforce Pulse Report shows that managers experienced a surge in total productivity after employing remote workers. Because of this success, the global remote workforce is expected to reach 36.2 million by 2025. For the American economy, this translates into 22% of the total workforce going remote.  Speaking of remote workers, they appear to be happier, healthier, and more productive—thanks to their flexible schedules. But that’s just one side of the picture. Like everything else, some challenges accompany them. Whatever they may be, it becomes management’s responsibility to resolve them. Pragmatic management would dissect these issues before working toward a resolution.  Let’s talk about some of the commonly observed struggles of remote workers and how you can play your part in overcoming them: 1. Overworking  Pre-pandemic, managers couldn’t imagine employing large remote teams. Yet, post-pandemic research has proved that remote workers work more than on-site workers.  That’s because since your home life and office life are under the same roof, it can be difficult to switch off. There is no commute time to get out of the ‘work zone’, nor is there a ‘getting ready for work’ window to provide you with some time to arrange your thoughts before you commence work.  With the 9-5 boundaries blurred, remote workers usually work beyond office hours and report staggering amounts of unpaid overtime.  While this may be great news for businesses, it can have devastating effects on workers. Workers may complain of lacking work-life balance and risk burning out. Such toxic productivity is bound to catch up with your organization in the long term.  Solution Even the most talented of workers are only useful in their prime. Since remote workers are at a higher risk of burning out, here are some ways you can mitigate it: 2. Constant Distractions Whether it’s a parcel delivery, changing baby diapers, pets running around, or attending uninvited guests, remote workers may find themselves engulfed by unavoidable distractions.  Distractions at work can reduce time and productivity. Workers may struggle with time management and rush through tasks to get things done. This may compromise the quality of work, as workers feel frustrated by interruptions.  Solution  Remote workers must learn to be accountable for their time to overcome distractions. Here are a few things that may help: 3. Time Mismanagement Remote workers must learn to be experts at time management since they don’t have supervisors to oversee their progress and guide them in the right direction. It is hard enough to avoid distractions at home, let alone stay on top of designated tasks.  When working from home, you require self-discipline to stay motivated all day. Without coworkers or managers to lay out a proper workflow, remote workers may struggle to decide what tasks are most critical. A lack of discipline and supervision may lead to delays in completion and haphazard performance by remote workers.  Solution  Not all is doom and gloom; we have some tricks up our sleeves to help you resolve time management and productivity issues faced by remote workers: By keeping track of their time on timesheets, you can see what task or project took what time. This may enable you to establish benchmarks for maintaining and enhancing turnaround times. Additionally, it helps identify any obstacles hindering productivity so that you can take prompt corrective measures. You can also discover which remote workers are most time-efficient or productive, allowing you to assign tasks to the best-suited person. Using productivity and activity reports, you can share meaningful insights about their work patterns with workers to help them spot clumsiness. When workers work on improving their performance, they are more motivated to outdo themselves.  4. Alienation & Loneliness One of the main challenges of working remotely is feeling alienated from your team.  Being away from the physical office setting means you’ll miss out on spontaneous lunches, coffee breaks, or unplanned conversations with colleagues.  This absence makes it more difficult to establish deeper and meaningful bonds with coworkers and feel fully integrated into the team. Alienation could be a bigger issue in hybrid settings where some people work from home while the rest regularly work from the office.  Working in isolation can be incredibly counterproductive for extroverts who feed off the energy of colleagues, tipping them off their game.  Prolonged isolation, blurred work hours boundaries, and difficulty in maintaining work-life balance can take a serious toll on mental health. Those suffering from poor mental health can struggle in both their professional and personal lives.  Solution As a manager, it is essential to facilitate opportunities for your employees to connect and build relationships. Here are some tips: 5. Weak Communication & Collaboration Solid communication is the foundation for seamless teamwork. For remote teams, ensuring communication without a hitch can be integral to the team’s effectiveness.  In their book Remote: Office Not Required, authors Jason Fried and David Heinemeier discuss how basing communication solely on meetings and emails can be unwise. They explain how discussions could be taken out of context, creating confusion among team members. Rather than collaborating on collective goals, team members would be involved in petty drama, impacting team spirit and productivity.  Another downside of weak communication could be a lack of prompt feedback. Working away from supervision and guidance could mean workers continue working on false assumptions, inaccurate data, or in the wrong flow. This means you can expect hours of wasted time, energy, and other resources and lag in project milestones.  Solution The good news is that there are a lot of communication tools available to remove communication barriers.  6. Different Time Zones Leveraging on the above point, poor communication could also result from team workers situated in different time zones. When this happens, coordination between team members suffers.  For example, one worker may be waking up when another team member is fast asleep in another part of the world. This means remote workers in different time zones cannot

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How to Create Transparent and Accountable Teams With TimeBee

Transparency and accountability are key to running successful work teams. According to the University of Berkeley, team transparency is a phenomenon where information is shared openly, with everyone being honest about their milestones and challenges. Fostering an inclusive team atmosphere is vital for nurturing trust and unity among team members.  Emphasizing team transparency means facilitating a system of open communication. This entails sharing relevant information, feedback, and expectations. At the same time, this flow must be two-way, welcoming and valuing various ideas and viewpoints. While teams are part of every business setup, establishing trust and accountability may not be easy.  Here’s how you can make your work teams more transparent and accountable: Set Clear Goals It’s always a good policy to start by spelling out the specifics of a team venture. When a team is set up, communicate the purpose and desired outcomes, as well as the expected level of performance by each team member.  This can help them perform accordingly and align their expectations with yours rather than walking around on eggshells. Describe Transparency & Accountability  For many workers, words like transparency and accountability may carry stress-inducing connotations. When you communicate, you will keep things transparent and explain what you mean in practical terms.  This means communicating what transparency practices you’ll implement and what benefits you want. At the same time, make sure you ask team members what transparency measures are the best.  A great idea is to sit team members down for a discussion before a project starts. Ask them to share ideas on how they’ll hold each other accountable at various steps of the project. This way, they’ll be more at ease with being held accountable since they’re devising them.  Provide Essential Information & Resources Holding teams accountable shouldn’t mean you’re micromanaging their decisions. Rather, you should trust their talent and experience and encourage them to use both to realize organizational goals.  Keeping team members guessing about important information is the opposite of transparency. When you create teams, make sure you share all essential information with them. Also, they should be empowered to use any required resources and make decisions regarding them.   Knowing they’ll be held answerable for their use, workers are likely to be super-conscious of how they handle company resources and maximize their use of them.  Model Transparency You can model transparency by being candid and authentic about your challenges and struggles. Make sure your productivity dashboard and timesheets are visible to your team members, too.  Admit your mistakes, and ask for suggestions to improve your personal performance. Welcoming feedback for improvements can be insightful.  If you’re a team leader, your attitude can determine that of your team members. Vulnerability and modesty can earn the trust of your coworkers and encourage them to reciprocate. Celebrate Success and Learn from Failures Acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions made by your team members, whether on an individual or collective basis. Show your gratitude and appreciation for their dedication and success. You may use monetary or non-monetary rewards to motivate your team.  Additionally, study the team’s failures to extract valuable lessons. Engage in discussions to analyze what went wrong or could have been handled better. Finally, devise strategies with workers’ feedback to handle similar challenges in the future. Use a Time Tracker Your team’s transparency depends on how you’re going to monitor their work. Using an automated time tracker can offer numerous advantages. It effortlessly records the time of each worker without manual input. On top of it, the real-time data from tracking time offers valuable insights.  As a best practice, we advise using an organizational dashboard that shows who is working on what and for how long at any given time. With such information, you uphold both accountability and transparency within the project.  By tracking your time, you’ll be able to: There are countless time-tracking tools available today. Let’s discuss some of the standout features of TimeBee for better understanding. Designed for Remote & On-site Teams A smart time-tracking app must be designed with all kinds of team arrangements in mind. Team members must be able to track their time at home or in the office.  Additionally, they can easily collaborate on projects and tasks by viewing project progress.  Accurate Time Tracking Automated timesheets should be initiated and stopped by users themselves. Having access to their daily and weekly productivity, team members may feel obliged to perform better against their previous stats. Activity Reports Viewing how individual workers spend their time gives you a transparent view of your team’s productivity. Sophisticated time trackers go one step further and classify time between productive and unproductive activities Looking to Enhance Accountability and Transparency? Try 0ut TimeBee By knowing which workers need a gentle nudge in the right direction (maybe they need a break), you can help your team members snap out of productivity.  Web & App Monitoring If you’re a team lead, nothing would give you better access to your team members’ work day than their web & app usage reports. TimeBee categorizes workers’ time at work in terms of hours spent between apps and web pages. You can tell straight away how dedicated they are to work or if they’re trying to commit time theft. Email Updates & Reports As a team admin, you can receive regular reports on project progress and individual team member’s productivity through email updates. So, even if you’re off-site, you can monitor productivity and give timely feedback to team members.  Spontaneous Employee Screenshots Workers being aware that their timesheets may be tallied with periodic screenshots can be a powerful way of ensuring they’re not messing around at work.  In addition, screenshots of employees’ devices provide proof of work and project progress, which can be presented to clients and during discussions of performance appraisal.   Offline Tracking Advanced tracking apps offer an offline tracking facility. So even if a team member loses internet connection, they can still record their progress through the tracker. If you have a hybrid team, you can keep track of a

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7 Reasons Why Your Creative Agency Should Start Tracking Time

It’s no secret that successful brands partner with creative agencies to become their best selves. Since creative flair may not be their forte, it is only practical to hire agencies specialized in this field to take over the creative reins of a business.  However, balancing administrative responsibilities with creative demands can be draining. In an overly competitive landscape, ignoring the administrative side of your business may equal suicide. Creative minds need artistic expression and out-of-the-box thinking, but they also require excellent resource management skills to deliver expected results.  Why is Time-Tracking Important for Creative Agencies? In the fast-paced world of creative agencies, efficient time management isn’t just useful; it’s essential. Creative experts juggle a multitude of tasks, demanding ingenuity and analytical expertise. Throw in the pressing deadlines, and you have yourself a pressure cooker.  Keeping track of your time in such a swirl of activity may seem impossible. You may end up spending each day wondering, ‘Gee! Where did the time go?’ That’s where this blog comes into play: realizing the importance of time-tracking for a creative agency. We will also discuss how you can leverage it to polish your creative potential.  Here are 7 reasons why your creative agency should start tracking time ASAP: 1. Get Actionable Data The most important reason for time tracking is to gain insight into task durations. This knowledge allows you to make data-driven business decisions rather than guesswork.  For example, using timesheets, you can learn which tasks consume more time than others. Similarly, you can identify how the projects you’re doing consume your resources.  Using this data, you can negotiate with clients for additional time or funds with actionable insights to back up your claims. Simultaneously, you may rework the resource allocation planning for your creative team.  2. Enhanced Productivity Time tracking enables you to gain insights into how and where you spend the day. For example, employee productivity reports may reveal that your workers are spending more time on administrative tasks rather than work.  Being accountable for your productivity can be a powerful weapon. Workers may be surprised to see the amount of time-robbing activities and unproductive work patterns they’re involved in half of the day. This can help them to refocus their time and prioritize critical tasks, such as content creation and research.  For Better Project Visibility, Accurate Data, Time Tracking Get TimeBee Today Additionally, using distraction alerts can zap creatives out of snoozefest and bring their attention back to the tasks at hand. The result? An instant boost of productivity in the right direction. 3. Accurate Estimation of Project Timelines An accurate project timeline estimate is crucial for you and your clients. A time-tracking mechanism will provide a practical time frame for planning projects. This may allow you to allocate time and other resources adequately for each step of the process.  Starting a project with unrealistic optimism about time management may lead to dire situations. In addition to avoiding embarrassment, using real-time data can help you set realistic project expectations from start to end.  Also, time tracking can help you establish client trust by sharing real-time project progress and data that gives them a transparent view of deliverables.  4. Seamless Payroll Management Data from automated timesheets can provide everything needed to calculate accurate payrolls. Using the total hours tracked and per-hour rate, you can deduce the payroll for each employee.  Transparent payroll data can be shared with employees to show how their productivity is linked to their compensation, resolving any possible trust issues.  5. Precise Job Costing Time tracking enables you to estimate precise labor costs. If you’ve established total billable hours for projects before, you can refer to similar past projects to deduce the exact man-hours and workers required for completion.  As a bonus, the project costing can give you a detailed breakdown of the billable hours spent. From sessions of ideation, creative exploration, testing, adjustments, researching, and ultimately, the actual time spent completing the project, you have everything to make future project estimations.  6. Accurate Billing In continuation to the above point, data from time tracking can help you bill clients accurately. With a comprehensive breakdown of the total billable hours incurred during a project, you have ample proof to create and back client invoices. With clear invoices, there may be fewer chances for payments to get stalled.  Smart tracking tools also offer automatic screen captures, which are periodic screenshot proofs of activity. For clients with sour experiences with clumsy agencies, sharing screenshots of project progress at random steps can be a game-changer.  Such transparency can build client trust and a long-lasting reputation for your creative agency. 7. Enables Delegation and Resource Optimization Automated time tracking is an asset for agile and proactive management.  With access to real-time dashboards, you’ll be able to see which employee or team is in the capacity to work more and who risks getting burned out. You can then use these insights to reassign or delegate tasks accordingly. Delegation can free up time for tasks that need your critical attention.  Best Practices for Implementing Time Tracking at Your Creative Agency Even with an elaborate list of reasons and benefits for adopting time tracking, your team members may not be too happy about it. This is because of the inherent nature of corporate surveillance.  Here are some tips that can guide you on successfully rolling out time tracking at your creative agency.  Communicating your expectations from incorporating time tracking in your agency is a great way to start. Spell out what needs to be achieved, what areas you want to improve, how everyone will benefit from it, and why people should comply with it.  Setting clear expectations will help bring everyone on board and communicate your rationale for adopting time-tracking practices. When rolling time-tracking, make sure you maximize its benefits for employees.  Talk about how accurate time tracking will lead to smoother payroll calculation. Emphasize how team dashboards can highlight the white knights of your team so they can be rewarded. Also, touch base about

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25 Ways to Improve Productivity

You’re nearing the end of the day, glancing down at your to-do list before signing out. You’re immediately taken aback by the fact that you’ve only managed to do about half of the tasks for today. You experience intense frustration for not being as productive as you had planned.  Feeling disappointed? You’re not alone. According to Voucher Cloud’s research, an average office worker is only productive for 2 hours and 23 minutes per day. Also, workers across all professions reportedly maintain an average of 60% productivity throughout the day. It is common to struggle with your productivity from time to time. Every day is different. It is only natural to experience spikes in productivity, followed by lulls that could last a few days.  Maintaining a steady workflow is not intuitive or easy.   The good news is that there are plenty of ways to reverse the situation. We have crafted a list of the best tips experts share for conquering unproductivity.  Let’s dive right into them: 1. Get Proper Sleep Let’s start with the basics: Get six to eight hours of sleep every night uninterrupted.  Maintaining a healthy sleeping routine is linked to improved productivity and elevated mood throughout the day. On the other end, having insufficient sleep affects the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for logical thinking and problem-solving. Safe to say, lack of sleep can strongly affect your productivity and leave you feeling grouchy all day. We understand why it could seem difficult to get good sleep each day. Early-morning commutes, long working hours, and overhanging personal responsibilities may contribute to an increasingly insomniac workforce.  But if you think you’re doing yourself a favor by surviving on 4 hours of sleep each day, you could be pursuing what’s called toxic productivity. 2. Maintain a Healthy Diet You are what you eat, and rightly so. A healthy body and mind go hand-in-hand to keep your productivity kicking.  If you’re serious about giving your best at work, you must make intelligent food choices. For example, snacking on a handful of sugary snacks will spike your blood sugar and eventually crash it. This translates into low energy and low productivity afterward.  The Productive Diet infographic lists a comprehensive list of superfoods for your brain, backed by CEOs and high achievers. Remember to include these nutrition-dense foods in your diet.  3. Exercise Regularly Your productivity isn’t solely influenced by what you accomplish during the workday; your activities outside of work also play a significant role. Feeling unhealthy and lazy may directly affect your work performance. It may seem challenging to squeeze out time for physical activity, but it is imperative for your well-being. Even brief periods of exercise can profoundly affect your energy levels, concentration, and overall mood. 4. Try Napping If you have the chance to take power naps during work, don’t pass them up.  Power naps of just 20 minutes can elevate your mood, re-energize you, and boost your productivity. Additionally, 40 minutes of recovery naps are proven to improve cognitive abilities, memory retention, and speed at performing everyday tasks.  5. Listen to Music Popping in your headphones can tune out distractions and make your focus razor-sharp. When working, listening to your favorite tunes in the background can elevate your mood, helping you knock out that to-do list.  6. Plan Ahead To improve productivity, it’s essential to plan ahead. Prioritizing tasks is a great start to determining what must be done and when. Figuring out which tasks demand the most of your time and attention can be great to logically allocate your efforts.  For prioritizing work, we suggest using Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix. This model categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance. By utilizing this framework, you can determine the most effective approach and timing for addressing each task.  Check out our blog on managing time anxiety to learn more about this technique.  7. Set Realistic Goals Strive to set goals logically,  keeping your resources in mind. A good resource for setting actionable goals is to use the S.M.A.R.T framework.  This helps you make sure your goals are relevant to you, specified in measurable terms, possible to attain, realistic and practical in nature, and time-bound.  Logical goal-setting can help you organize and prioritize your work, ultimately boosting your productivity in achieving your goals.  If you want to check out our free S.M.A.R.T goals template, Click here!  8. Set Smaller Goals At times, confronting our goals can be daunting. Viewing several major projects on our calendar can be stressful. However, accomplishing small, quick wins can be extremely motivating. By breaking your goals into smaller tasks, you can regain a sense of control and significantly enhance productivity. Instead of writing down the whole project, break it down into subtasks and approach it step-by-step.  This approach will help you stay focused on your daily activities and alleviate the overwhelming feeling associated with larger projects. 9. Take Regular Breaks The notion that spending more time glued to your desk leads to increased output sounds promising at first. However, research indicates that incorporating regular breaks can enhance your efficiency. Time management approaches such as the Pomodoro Technique can help ensure you allocate five-minute breaks for every 25 minutes of work. This helps you find the perfect balance between work and break, resulting in maximized productivity.  If you want to optimize your short breaks, simply step outside for some fresh air. Studies suggest that immersing oneself in nature can instantly alleviate mental fatigue.  10. Get Organized Many of us are charged with multiple responsibilities each day. Wearing multiple hats is not for the weak-hearted. Organizing your time and efforts is a great way to prevent yourself from going crazy. Daily planners, checklists, and timesheets are essential tools for successfully organizing your day. Preparing your schedule in advance can prevent unpleasant surprises. Moreover, by establishing productivity patterns, you can accurately assess your performance and tweak your schedule for improvements. Additionally, make sure you have everything you need when you sit down to

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7 Best Productive Hobbies to Take On

Hobbies seem a thing of the past. This may be because, as kids, we find ways to entertain and express ourselves. However, as adults, responsibilities and jobs seem to take center stage. Only a handful of us are able to carry on our hobbies into adulthood.  Everyone must have a hobby. Hobbies are not simply avenues for killing idle time; they can help us discover our hidden tastes and talents.  But there’s a catch. Most of these hobbies kill time without offering any real benefits. So, while you may enjoy playing Call of Duty for hours at a stretch, it promotes a sedentary lifestyle.  Before going any further, let’s understand what productive hobbies are. What are Productive Hobbies? Productive hobbies are activities that not only provide enjoyment but also contribute to personal growth, skill development, or the accomplishment of other tangible outcomes. As opposed to unproductive hobbies that merely count as ‘doing something’, productive hobbies can offer immense learning and advancement opportunities. They can last for decades and age with you. What you’re truly passionate about may hardly feel monotonous.  Here are a few suggestions for productive hobbies: Reading Some of the most successful people around us are avid readers.  According to The Reading Habits of Highly Successful People, Warren Buffet spends 80% of his day reading, while Elon Musk spends up to 10 hours reading books while growing up.   Here’s how reading pans out as an outstandingly productive hobby: Writing One of the most beneficial hobbies is writing. Writing is a profoundly impactful form of self-expression. It enables you to channel your energies into something you’re passionate about, where you write about your thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Whether you’re composing articles, scripts, or personal journal entries, writing unleashes your creative potential and contributes to your overall productivity and well-being. It allows your imagination and creativity to run riot, which can be liberating.  Nowadays, people are leveraging their writing abilities to take on freelance content writing. By polishing your grammar, expression, and content knowledge, you can earn a decent side income by writing content for marketers and agencies.  Volunteering Volunteering might not be a regular choice for a hobby, but it’s an activity pursued during leisure time and can be genuinely enjoyable. It is one of the most constructive ways to spend our free time. It is also our chance to give something back to society and make a real difference. Through volunteering, you can: You can combine volunteering with your existing hobbies. For example, if you’re passionate about crocheting, you can organize crocheting classes at foster homes, teaching kids to create beautiful pieces for themselves or for selling.   Sports & Physical Activity Engaging in sports activities ranks among the most widely embraced and thrilling hobbies. Whether participating in or spectating, sports benefit the body and mind. Examples include football, cricket, swimming, and dancing. Adopting a sport can be highly beneficial if you aim to enhance your physical well-being. It not only fosters health improvements but also facilitates skill acquisition, broadens your life experiences, and serves as a source of motivation. Additionally, playing in teams can improve your strengths as a team player.  Pursuing physical activities can create a sense of improvement. You may be challenged by yourself to improve your stamina, body composition, or form. Such intrinsic benchmarking can be applied at work, too, where you can set out to surpass your current productivity standards.  Learn a New Language While it may sound unconventional, acquiring a foreign language is a hobby with a huge possible payoff. Whether pursued at home or in a language class, learning a new language represents a productive and enriching hobby. Learning a new language can enhance your resume and give you an edge over those who do not know that language. Not only is it beneficial when traveling, but it also aids memory retention, enhances decision-making abilities, and boosts concentration. Multilingualism is a commendable attribute, offering a competitive advantage in the job market and facilitating communication with a broader global audience. With a remote job market on the rise, you can leverage your multilingualism to land a high-paying remote job sitting inside your home.  Cooking Good-ol’ cooking is a criminally underrated hobby. Considering that everyone requires food to survive, cooking stands out as a practical skill to cultivate.  Beyond mere sustenance, cooking fosters: Gardening  Gardening is a peaceful and therapeutic hobby that gives you a sense of achievement from growing new life forms. It’s a great stress buster that offers multiple physical and mental benefits.  Here are some notable benefits experienced by those who like to grow stuff: Benefits of having Productive Hobbies Yes, hobbies are great, but let us share some less obvious benefits of having productive hobbies. Reduced Stress  We need leisure time to destress and rearrange our thoughts. Hobbies can distract us from pressing issues and deadlines, helping us channel our pent-up negativity into healthy forms. Over recent years, people have resorted to adopting hobbies to express emotions and deal with increased isolation in a hyper-digitized world.  For example, a OnePoll survey found that to overcome boredom during the pandemic, people started spending more money and time on hobbies than ever before.   Improved Health  Hobbies that demand you to take time out from your daily schedules and expend your physical energy are top-tier. Sweating and working up your heart rate are some of the healthiest ways to improve your health.  Engaging in regular physical activities can counteract all the damage that sitting for 40-plus hours a week does to us. This is especially useful for aging professionals and remote workers, who may not have much physical or social activity.  Possibility of Extra Income “If you’re good at something, never do it for free”  If you’re exceptionally gifted at something that can be sold, you can turn it into a source of income. We have countless success stories where great people who were passionate about something turned it into a prosperous business.  For example, the beloved Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC, was a

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5 Free Time Management Calculators in 2024

Time management is a crucial skill for managers. How you manage your time can determine whether your business will thrive or sink. Additionally, smartly managing time between tasks can help you deliver higher-quality work by discerning which ones require more attention.  The strong correlation between time management and business success may explain why time management tools are buzzing in 2024. What are Time Management Calculators? Time management calculators are tools that help you understand, plan, and organize your time more effectively. They can be applied to any specific period.  Time management calculators are essentially time-tracking tools with added features. They simplify the task of logging billable hours, optimize workflows, and enhance individual productivity. As of 2023, 58% of organizations are using time-tracking tools to optimize work hours.  No matter the size or nature of the business, you need a time-management calculator for informed decision-making. It can help base your business decisions on real-time data rather than guesswork.  Top 5 Free Time Management Calculators Time management calculators can be expensive. Especially if you’re just starting your business. For your benefit, we analyzed multiple free options available in the market and narrowed them down to the best five. Here’s a rundown of them to help you decide one for your business: 1. Manual Time Calculator A manual time calculator is a rudimentary way of controlling your time. It is easy and free.  Manual time calculation is the go-to method for small businesses that are just starting out and want to avoid complicated methods of tracking time.  All you need is a pen, paper, and some basic math. You simply have to manually record your work hours throughout the day. Let’s check them out in detail.  Manual time calculation can be done in multiple time intervals for their own rationales: Daily time calculator: best to adjust your daily routine to everyday requirements Weekly time calculator: use it to gain an overall picture of how you spend a typical week at work Monthly time calculator: useful to step back and visualize your productivity over an extended time period, to make improvements in your schedule and work behavior Let’s use an example of a typical workweek to demonstrate how to calculate time manually: Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Breakfast & getting ready 30 35 28 32 30 Commuting to office 35 33 25 35 40 Daily to-do list 20 15 20 23 22 Projects’ progress check-in 45 42 44 30 40 Projects brainstorming 90 80 75 78 65 Coffee break 15 0 12 20 15 Client X product designing 130 85 95 100 50 Conference calls 60 45 58 75 35 Lunch 40 35 60 75 40 Product testing 45 35 40 50 38 Production issues discussion 40 55 50 35 35 Running costing reports 100 75 80 65 85 Coffee break 20 20 15 0 12 Client meetings 40 0 35 65 55 Commuting to home 40 40 30 45 38 Walk the dogs 30 30 30 35 40 Dinner and TV 90 100 90 75 65 Sleep 420 420 360 400 480 Your total for the day 1290 1145 1147 1238 1185 *All time is recorded in minutes Horizontally, you add the activities in a typical work week. In the columns, you can see work days through Friday.  Use a timer to record your minutes spent on each task. As you can see, once you enter the values for each day’s activities, the total column will translate the time into minutes per day.  Manual timesheets are a simple yet effective way to visualize your time spent in different activities. You can also go a step ahead and turn your time into percentages. Percentages would better represent what tasks are taking how much part of your total time each day. If any percentage gets too high, you can reduce it and reallocate that time to a task whose percentage seems to be lagging in comparison.  An obvious drawback of manual time calculation is the constant manual effort it requires. One missed entry can throw off your entire time record. Here is where automatic time-tracking tools come into play. You just start the timer and pause where needed. The tracker itself will handle the rest. Let’s explore them in the next sections. 2. Clockify Clockify is a free but automated time management calculator designed to assist in organizing and monitoring your daily activities.  It provides a comprehensive analysis of how your workers allocate their time to various tasks. This enables you to distinguish between productive and unproductive periods. Key Time Management Features Reminders Once you enter the weekly required hours, Clockify sends reminders to users who are lagging behind. This can help minimize time theft.  Cross Platform Time Calculation Clockify is accessible through both desktop and phone applications. Workers who spend much time away from their desks and travel for work can log their hours in timesheets through the app. Reports The weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports enable management to generate comprehensive accounts of employees’ time utilization. As an added bonus, you can extract these reports in formats like Excel or PDF for further analysis. Clockify scores are high in user-friendliness. Its color-coded breakdown of most tracked activities enables users to instantly recognize which projects and tasks are reserving most of their time. Consequently, they can better allocate their time between priorities.  3. Toggl Track If you want to start using a time calculator tool but can’t afford to buy one, consider Toggl Track might be a good option. It is available on multiple platforms- Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOS,  and web browser extensions.  Toggl Track carries all the key features of a premium time-management tool. It requires minimal manual effort on your end.  Key Time Management Calculation Features Auto Time Calculation With Toggl Track, you can immediately start time tracking when you begin work.  Review your recorded entries and address the specifics at your convenience. Web Extension Toggle Track has extremely logical time tracking. For example, in the Chrome extension, you can automatically start and

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10 Daily Routines and Habits of Successful People

I’m certain we can all name at least 3 famous and highly successful persons, but we cannot possibly tell how they got famous. Everybody wants to reach the heights of success, yet very few of us actually want to give what it takes.  Marveling at someone’s success is like looking at the tip of an iceberg. You may be impressed at its magnificence, but you have no idea how far deep it goes in the ocean. Building a legacy is not an overnight phenomenon. It takes years of practice, failures, lessons, and milestones.  We live in a world where organizational leaders are expected to exude a strong presence. They must wear multiple hats to lead their endeavors. Successful organizational leaders often act as beacons to shine a light on others. Let’s check out some of the most common habits among successful individuals.  1. They are Avid Readers Influential people are often avid readers. This helps them learn new things and unlearn those that don’t serve them. ‘Change your habits, change your life’ famed author Tom Corley shares that 88% of successful people spend about 30 minutes daily on self-improvement reading. Staying up-to-date with current trends and in-depth knowledge is essential to thrive in your field and passion. For instance, if you manage an online store, it’s essential to grasp your product features, keep pace with industry changes, and understand the e-commerce competitive landscape.  Regardless of your avenue, acquiring knowledge is a trait of triumphant people. You can listen to podcasts, attend focus groups, read or listen to books, anything’s fine. You’re on the right track as long as you invest time into learning and retaining new skills. Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, and Barack Obama are some of the names who credit their success to their daily reading habits.  2. They are Early Risers Countless days and opportunities may have been missed by poor sleep routines. It’s simple. If you can wake up earlier, you can get those ‘must-do’ tasks out of your way sooner, and you can crush the rest of your day. A good sleeping routine can come off as a cliche, but only because it works. Healthy sleeping habits are also linked to improved productivity and elevated mood throughout the day. An overwhelming  89% of self-made millionaires get between seven to eight hours of sleep every night.  For example, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos insists on getting eight hours of sleep every night, regardless of his schedule. 3. They are Goal-Oriented The birthplace of habit is intention. Accomplished people don’t start out a journey without a destination in mind. Such people are often habitual goal-setters because they derive an immense sense of self-actualization from it.   Successful people often set specific goals that are meaningful to their future. Then, they meticulously craft outlines for achieving them. With regular reviews and adjustments, they ensure every day is dedicated to meeting those goals.  Unsurprisingly, they don’t stop until they reach the end point of their goals.  4. They are Organized Many entrepreneurs juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities at one time. Keeping their time and efforts organized can be the only way to avoid mayhem.  A number of successful individuals have shared the organizational hacks that they swear by. For example, when Jack Dorsey managed Twitter as co-founder while being the CEO of Square, he scheduled each week based on themes. That helped him stay focused and avoid distractions.  Daily planners, checklists, and timesheets are weapons of highly successful people. Planning your days beforehand can help you allocate your time and efforts effectively.  When it comes to achieving success, consider time management a superpower.  Want a tracker to organize your time? Try TimeBee For instance, goal-oriented people track their time spent in various activities throughout the day. By studying their routine, they are able to spot unproductive habits and time-robbing distractions that may be chipping away their productivity. Additionally, by establishing work patterns, they can make accurate estimations regarding their performance and tweak their schedules for improvement.  Planning and monitoring tools can simplify resource allocation and provide real-time insights for problem-solving. Be it payroll management, project billing, or employee web monitoring, management tools can fast-track your success.  5. They are Proactive Highly acclaimed individuals are usually proactive. They seize the initiative, choosing to act rather than passively respond to external influences. This may explain why proactive people often make great leaders. Being proactive involves taking charge of your challenges and staying accountable. It means making efforts to optimize circumstances that are in your control rather than complaining about external factors. 6. They are Resilient A common trait of high achievers is resilience. No matter how hard they fall, they bounce back stronger. People with growth mindsets are tenacious and keep moving forward. Having a growth mindset allows you to not judge yourself based on failures. Rather, it encourages you to perceive life as a stream of endless opportunities.  Experiencing failure can be a distressing ordeal for anyone. But your resilience plays a crucial role in how you cope with setbacks. Successful people often know the art of extracting meaningful lessons from their failures.  7. They are Self-Disciplined One of the most common traits of successful people is discipline. Lacking this fundamental attribute is why many fail to succeed.  History quotes countless examples of people who achieved meaningful accomplishments. They all have one thing in common: they dedicated themselves to extensive years of disciplined labor toward a goal.  Your ability to master self-control may be the single biggest predictor of success. Self-discipline is a hidden gem that resonates with success in every area of life. Achieving self-discipline can develop all the habits and routines that we’ve discussed.  Fortunately, self-discipline is a quality that can be acquired through consistent practice. We advise tracking your daily routine to get a better sense of your productivity. Identify poor, unproductive habits that may be holding you back and eliminate them. Simultaneously, reinforce your productive habits that contribute to your overall success.  Need a Time-Tracker to Help You

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Time Anxiety: What It Is and How You Can Deal with It

It is common to feel inadequate about time when working. There are so many factors that demand our time, and even more, that chip it away. If you often feel that time is slipping away without getting much done, you’re not alone.  When your concern regarding time exceeds a normal limit, it can turn into time anxiety.  What is Time Anxiety? Time anxiety or chronophobia is a phenomenon most people experience at home or work. Simply put, it’s the fear of time.  It occurs when a person constantly worries about not having enough time to complete tasks. Simultaneously, it fosters doubt about not utilizing your time in the best possible way.  Time anxiety is part of the Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD), affecting 19.1% of the adult population in the US as of 2022. Anyone can fall prey to it, but entrepreneurs and working professionals are the most common targets. This is because they have to wear multiple hats and handle seemingly unlimited tasks each day.  Time anxiety can manifest itself in three ways:  What are the Symptoms of Time Anxiety? Since we’ve established what it is, let’s now let us go over how time anxiety may feel like: To nip time anxiety at its base, start working backward to find what caused it in the first place.  Causes of Time Anxiety As with any type of anxiety, identifying the triggers is the first logical step to managing it. Time anxiety can look different for everyone.  Here are some factors that may resonate with you: 1. Poor Accountability of Time Ironically, most of our time goes unaccounted for. According to a 2022 survey, a shocking 82% of professionals don’t have a time management system. This means they don’t have a good idea of where their day goes.  If you’re clueless about how much time you dedicate to which task, there’s a good chance you feel out of control. You may be frazzled about where the day went when you’re not clear about your job description. Having your schedule and tasks laid out in front of you can give you clear insights into your productivity.   2. Unclear Priorities When you’re uncertain about your goals, you may lack direction. Working each day robotically without a sense of purpose can create existential dread.  This can translate into you working haphazardly. Finding purpose and meaning in your efforts can help counter this. This will also ultimately motivate you to chase your goals and priorities.  3. You’re Often Distracted Today, we are surrounded by countless sources of distractions. An average person gets interrupted every 5 to 15 minutes per day. Your chatty coworker, the confused intern, phone notifications- everything comes into play. Thanks to these ‘quick’ disruptions, you lose precious time and possibly your focus.  Constant distractions can end up affecting your productivity. Even the best-laid plans can fail if you don’t manage distractions.  4. People Pleasing Behavior It might go against the ‘hustle culture’, but you need to set healthy work boundaries. Employees may find themselves overladen with work to impress their managers.  Trying to fit in added chores in an already tight schedule often backfires. You may find yourself juggling tasks, competing against time, and trying to tick every box.  Sounds exhausting? It surely is. 5. Comparison We’ve all heard the saying: ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’ It is particularly relevant to anxiety that is triggered by comparing work performances. Making assumptions about people’s success based on numbers alone might be naive. When comparing outputs, you may blame yourself for having poor time management or a lack of talent. Yet, the person you compare yourself to might have the same struggles. Often, people overcompensate for tardiness by working to an extreme. But that is likely to misfire and worsen their stress. 6. Underlying Health Condition Sometimes, there may be genetic or undiagnosed health factors triggering your anxiety at work.  Individuals with GAD frequently encounter feelings of paranoia and find it challenging to stay focused. When these worries become associated with time, they may translate into time-related anxiety. For example, a person with social anxiety may struggle with time anxiety, thinking others might judge them on their job performance. Similarly, those who are easily overwhelmed by external stressors may be easily bothered by time restraints at work. How to Overcome Time Anxiety In reality, you may not be able to eliminate anxious thoughts completely. And that’s okay because they’re perfectly normal. The first step is to accept that you cannot control time; you can simply manage it.  We’ve established that time anxiety may have varying degrees in individuals. Some people may find it crippling enough to be rendered unproductive. This is where serious intervention is needed. To help you cope with time anxiety in everyday life, here are some top tips: I. Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is another way of living in the present. By staying hyper-alert to your current state, you can silence your inner thoughts. Being grounded can prevent you from spiraling into existential anxiety.  Practice mindfulness by focusing on your environment. Observe your surroundings and analyze the sounds and colors. Follow a breathing rhythm, constantly reminding yourself of where you are. By choosing the present moment over the past or future, you may better appreciate your life.  II. Plan & Prioritize Your Schedule If you want to take better control of time, plan ahead. Understanding that you cannot do everything at once, so you must prioritize your tasks. Identify which tasks need your utmost attention and dedicate the most time to them. An excellent tool for prioritizing work is Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix. The model classifies tasks in terms of urgency and importance. By prioritizing tasks this way, you can decide how and when to deal with them. For example, tasks in quadrant 1 need to be done before everything else. Creating a daily to-do list can help you stay focused throughout the day. It can boost your productivity by motivating you to get more done. Ticking items off your list can

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How to Stay Focused During Work Meetings

Meetings are essential for fostering collaboration, communication, and decision-making within teams. Nonetheless, maintaining engagement and alertness during these meetings can be a real challenge.  Overcoming a meeting slump is becoming a widely searched topic on the web. It is common for workers, regardless of expertise and seniority, to lose focus during work meetings. And who can blame them?  They can be long, tedious, and, frankly, irrelevant to every attendee. These days, the sheer volume of meetings makes it harder even to like them, let alone stay attuned.  So, how do you stay focused? 8 Tips to Stay Focused During Meetings Since we can’t eliminate meetings, we can devise ways to improve focus and optimize your presence in work meetings.  1. Catch-up on Sleep The significance of adequate sleep for your daily life cannot be emphasized enough. Drowsiness doesn’t only diminish your focus; it can negatively impact your overall performance. Improving your sleep could be the solution if you struggle to stay attentive during meetings. If you have an important meeting coming up, make sure you get 7 to 8 hours of healthy sleep the night before. With a good night’s sleep, you won’t spend most of the meeting stifling yawns and filling up on coffee. Instead, you’ll be able to concentrate to the fullest.  2. Come Prepared Preparing for an important meeting can hype you up and improve alertness. Before the meeting, thoroughly prepare by gathering as much information about it as possible. Review the agenda, gather any required materials, and establish your goals for the meeting. Running around grabbing fresh coffee or files can appear unprofessional and even distract other attendees. Make a checklist for all the materials you need during the meetings. Also, getting tasks out of the way before stepping into important meetings can improve concentration. 3. Take Notes An underrated hack is making notes the ‘old-school’ way. Use a pen and paper to note important points. You’ll be amazed how much you’ll retain by writing about it.  To avoid missing out on any important details, you’ll automatically become an active listener.  Listening attentively to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and asking relevant questions can really make a difference in your alertness. 4. Eliminate Distractions To maintain focus during meetings, it’s crucial to minimize both external and internal distractions that could disrupt the meeting’s flow. Disable notifications, put away your phone and close any unnecessary tabs or applications.  If you’re at home, choose a quiet and comfortable meeting environment, free from background noise or clutter. Since there may be multiple screens present at home, avoiding distractions can be harder. Hold yourself accountable by steering clear of them. If you’re tempted to check your phone incessantly, better to turn it off during the meetings.  5. Keep a Positive Mindset Meetings can be boring and long, but every cloud has a silver lining. If you arrive with a positive mindset, you may actually find a meeting interesting.  Conversely, if you’re set on having a negative view of the meeting, all you’ll be able to focus on is when the meeting will be over? Rather than thinking of the best ways to contribute to the agenda.  Focus on exciting opportunities a meeting can offer, like learning new skills or forming a task force with your favorite coworkers. Keeping a positive mindset can not just improve focus during meetings but also elevate your overall performance and mood.  6. Contribute in Meetings Intending to actively participate in a meeting can improve your chances of being truly involved. Answering questions, suggesting ideas, and providing examples are great ways to prove your involvement.  Similarly, if you know the meeting’s agenda, it is clever to prepare a few questions beforehand. Offer feedback backed with statistics, clarify doubts, and appeal for support if needed. If there’s a matter that needs management’s attention, a meeting could be a great platform to raise it.  7. Track Time of the Meetings Maintaining focus becomes challenging when the duration of the meeting is uncertain. Even the sharpest minds can have limited attention spans, and this can be particularly noticeable when a meeting appears to be dragging. Timing the duration of your meetings can be beneficial. By consistently doing this, you’ll eventually determine the average length of your meetings. Consequently, you can better estimate the expected time of focus.  For example, if data indicates you’ll have to spare 20 minutes for a meeting, it will be easier to stay focused during those 20 minutes. This is because you already know how long you’ll have to give your undivided attention. Tracking meeting times can be simplified by using automated time-trackers. We suggest investing in a time-tracking app to do the job for you. Just like a stopwatch, initiate it at the start and stop at the end.  Need a Time-Tracking Tool for Meetings? Get TimeBee Today 8. Access to Reports Having access to real-time data with employee productivity reports can help you identify if meetings are robbing your time. These reports classify your day into various tasks and activities, giving you insights into productive versus unproductive tasks.  If you notice meetings and calls taking up a large chunk of your day, you can take corrective measures. Set a daily or weekly limit on the number of hours dedicated to meetings to prevent the wastage of limited work hours. Drawing timesheets can also help you identify peak productivity times for yourself and other workers. This knowledge can help you schedule meeting times and durations accordingly so that you don’t affect participants’ productivity. We gave you our honest, no-nonsense tips for sitting through work meetings. But it’s probably a good idea to work backward and find out why you find it so hard to stay focused.  Why Can’t You Stay Focused in Meetings? The average human attention span is 8 seconds as of 2023, which has fallen 25% from 2000.  With all avenues of information, communication, and entertainment at our fingertips (pun intended), we are more likely to be sprinting in life as

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