Own Your Time: Powerful Time Tracking & Productivity Hacks

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.


10 Daily Routines and Habits of Successful People

I’m certain we can all name at least 3 famous and highly successful persons, but we cannot possibly tell how they got famous. Everybody wants to reach the heights of success, yet very few of us actually want to give what it takes.  Marveling at someone’s success is like looking at the tip of an iceberg. You may be impressed at its magnificence, but you have no idea how far deep it goes in the ocean. Building a legacy is not an overnight phenomenon. It takes years of practice, failures, lessons, and milestones.  We live in a world where organizational leaders are expected to exude a strong presence. They must wear multiple hats to lead their endeavors. Successful organizational leaders often act as beacons to shine a light on others. Let’s check out some of the most common habits among successful individuals.  1. They are Avid Readers Influential people are often avid readers. This helps them learn new things and unlearn those that don’t serve them. ‘Change your habits, change your life’ famed author Tom Corley shares that 88% of successful people spend about 30 minutes daily on self-improvement reading. Staying up-to-date with current trends and in-depth knowledge is essential to thrive in your field and passion. For instance, if you manage an online store, it’s essential to grasp your product features, keep pace with industry changes, and understand the e-commerce competitive landscape.  Regardless of your avenue, acquiring knowledge is a trait of triumphant people. You can listen to podcasts, attend focus groups, read or listen to books, anything’s fine. You’re on the right track as long as you invest time into learning and retaining new skills. Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, and Barack Obama are some of the names who credit their success to their daily reading habits.  2. They are Early Risers Countless days and opportunities may have been missed by poor sleep routines. It’s simple. If you can wake up earlier, you can get those ‘must-do’ tasks out of your way sooner, and you can crush the rest of your day. A good sleeping routine can come off as a cliche, but only because it works. Healthy sleeping habits are also linked to improved productivity and elevated mood throughout the day. An overwhelming  89% of self-made millionaires get between seven to eight hours of sleep every night.  For example, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos insists on getting eight hours of sleep every night, regardless of his schedule. 3. They are Goal-Oriented The birthplace of habit is intention. Accomplished people don’t start out a journey without a destination in mind. Such people are often habitual goal-setters because they derive an immense sense of self-actualization from it.   Successful people often set specific goals that are meaningful to their future. Then, they meticulously craft outlines for achieving them. With regular reviews and adjustments, they ensure every day is dedicated to meeting those goals.  Unsurprisingly, they don’t stop until they reach the end point of their goals.  4. They are Organized Many entrepreneurs juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities at one time. Keeping their time and efforts organized can be the only way to avoid mayhem.  A number of successful individuals have shared the organizational hacks that they swear by. For example, when Jack Dorsey managed Twitter as co-founder while being the CEO of Square, he scheduled each week based on themes. That helped him stay focused and avoid distractions.  Daily planners, checklists, and timesheets are weapons of highly successful people. Planning your days beforehand can help you allocate your time and efforts effectively.  When it comes to achieving success, consider time management a superpower.  Want a tracker to organize your time? Try TimeBee For instance, goal-oriented people track their time spent in various activities throughout the day. By studying their routine, they are able to spot unproductive habits and time-robbing distractions that may be chipping away their productivity. Additionally, by establishing work patterns, they can make accurate estimations regarding their performance and tweak their schedules for improvement.  Planning and monitoring tools can simplify resource allocation and provide real-time insights for problem-solving. Be it payroll management, project billing, or employee web monitoring, management tools can fast-track your success.  5. They are Proactive Highly acclaimed individuals are usually proactive. They seize the initiative, choosing to act rather than passively respond to external influences. This may explain why proactive people often make great leaders. Being proactive involves taking charge of your challenges and staying accountable. It means making efforts to optimize circumstances that are in your control rather than complaining about external factors. 6. They are Resilient A common trait of high achievers is resilience. No matter how hard they fall, they bounce back stronger. People with growth mindsets are tenacious and keep moving forward. Having a growth mindset allows you to not judge yourself based on failures. Rather, it encourages you to perceive life as a stream of endless opportunities.  Experiencing failure can be a distressing ordeal for anyone. But your resilience plays a crucial role in how you cope with setbacks. Successful people often know the art of extracting meaningful lessons from their failures.  7. They are Self-Disciplined One of the most common traits of successful people is discipline. Lacking this fundamental attribute is why many fail to succeed.  History quotes countless examples of people who achieved meaningful accomplishments. They all have one thing in common: they dedicated themselves to extensive years of disciplined labor toward a goal.  Your ability to master self-control may be the single biggest predictor of success. Self-discipline is a hidden gem that resonates with success in every area of life. Achieving self-discipline can develop all the habits and routines that we’ve discussed.  Fortunately, self-discipline is a quality that can be acquired through consistent practice. We advise tracking your daily routine to get a better sense of your productivity. Identify poor, unproductive habits that may be holding you back and eliminate them. Simultaneously, reinforce your productive habits that contribute to your overall success.  Need a Time-Tracker to Help You

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Time Anxiety: What It Is and How You Can Deal with It

It is common to feel inadequate about time when working. There are so many factors that demand our time, and even more, that chip it away. If you often feel that time is slipping away without getting much done, you’re not alone.  When your concern regarding time exceeds a normal limit, it can turn into time anxiety.  What is Time Anxiety? Time anxiety or chronophobia is a phenomenon most people experience at home or work. Simply put, it’s the fear of time.  It occurs when a person constantly worries about not having enough time to complete tasks. Simultaneously, it fosters doubt about not utilizing your time in the best possible way.  Time anxiety is part of the Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD), affecting 19.1% of the adult population in the US as of 2022. Anyone can fall prey to it, but entrepreneurs and working professionals are the most common targets. This is because they have to wear multiple hats and handle seemingly unlimited tasks each day.  Time anxiety can manifest itself in three ways:  What are the Symptoms of Time Anxiety? Since we’ve established what it is, let’s now let us go over how time anxiety may feel like: To nip time anxiety at its base, start working backward to find what caused it in the first place.  Causes of Time Anxiety As with any type of anxiety, identifying the triggers is the first logical step to managing it. Time anxiety can look different for everyone.  Here are some factors that may resonate with you: 1. Poor Accountability of Time Ironically, most of our time goes unaccounted for. According to a 2022 survey, a shocking 82% of professionals don’t have a time management system. This means they don’t have a good idea of where their day goes.  If you’re clueless about how much time you dedicate to which task, there’s a good chance you feel out of control. You may be frazzled about where the day went when you’re not clear about your job description. Having your schedule and tasks laid out in front of you can give you clear insights into your productivity.   2. Unclear Priorities When you’re uncertain about your goals, you may lack direction. Working each day robotically without a sense of purpose can create existential dread.  This can translate into you working haphazardly. Finding purpose and meaning in your efforts can help counter this. This will also ultimately motivate you to chase your goals and priorities.  3. You’re Often Distracted Today, we are surrounded by countless sources of distractions. An average person gets interrupted every 5 to 15 minutes per day. Your chatty coworker, the confused intern, phone notifications- everything comes into play. Thanks to these ‘quick’ disruptions, you lose precious time and possibly your focus.  Constant distractions can end up affecting your productivity. Even the best-laid plans can fail if you don’t manage distractions.  4. People Pleasing Behavior It might go against the ‘hustle culture’, but you need to set healthy work boundaries. Employees may find themselves overladen with work to impress their managers.  Trying to fit in added chores in an already tight schedule often backfires. You may find yourself juggling tasks, competing against time, and trying to tick every box.  Sounds exhausting? It surely is. 5. Comparison We’ve all heard the saying: ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’ It is particularly relevant to anxiety that is triggered by comparing work performances. Making assumptions about people’s success based on numbers alone might be naive. When comparing outputs, you may blame yourself for having poor time management or a lack of talent. Yet, the person you compare yourself to might have the same struggles. Often, people overcompensate for tardiness by working to an extreme. But that is likely to misfire and worsen their stress. 6. Underlying Health Condition Sometimes, there may be genetic or undiagnosed health factors triggering your anxiety at work.  Individuals with GAD frequently encounter feelings of paranoia and find it challenging to stay focused. When these worries become associated with time, they may translate into time-related anxiety. For example, a person with social anxiety may struggle with time anxiety, thinking others might judge them on their job performance. Similarly, those who are easily overwhelmed by external stressors may be easily bothered by time restraints at work. How to Overcome Time Anxiety In reality, you may not be able to eliminate anxious thoughts completely. And that’s okay because they’re perfectly normal. The first step is to accept that you cannot control time; you can simply manage it.  We’ve established that time anxiety may have varying degrees in individuals. Some people may find it crippling enough to be rendered unproductive. This is where serious intervention is needed. To help you cope with time anxiety in everyday life, here are some top tips: I. Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is another way of living in the present. By staying hyper-alert to your current state, you can silence your inner thoughts. Being grounded can prevent you from spiraling into existential anxiety.  Practice mindfulness by focusing on your environment. Observe your surroundings and analyze the sounds and colors. Follow a breathing rhythm, constantly reminding yourself of where you are. By choosing the present moment over the past or future, you may better appreciate your life.  II. Plan & Prioritize Your Schedule If you want to take better control of time, plan ahead. Understanding that you cannot do everything at once, so you must prioritize your tasks. Identify which tasks need your utmost attention and dedicate the most time to them. An excellent tool for prioritizing work is Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix. The model classifies tasks in terms of urgency and importance. By prioritizing tasks this way, you can decide how and when to deal with them. For example, tasks in quadrant 1 need to be done before everything else. Creating a daily to-do list can help you stay focused throughout the day. It can boost your productivity by motivating you to get more done. Ticking items off your list can

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How to Stay Focused During Work Meetings

Meetings are essential for fostering collaboration, communication, and decision-making within teams. Nonetheless, maintaining engagement and alertness during these meetings can be a real challenge.  Overcoming a meeting slump is becoming a widely searched topic on the web. It is common for workers, regardless of expertise and seniority, to lose focus during work meetings. And who can blame them?  They can be long, tedious, and, frankly, irrelevant to every attendee. These days, the sheer volume of meetings makes it harder even to like them, let alone stay attuned.  So, how do you stay focused? 8 Tips to Stay Focused During Meetings Since we can’t eliminate meetings, we can devise ways to improve focus and optimize your presence in work meetings.  1. Catch-up on Sleep The significance of adequate sleep for your daily life cannot be emphasized enough. Drowsiness doesn’t only diminish your focus; it can negatively impact your overall performance. Improving your sleep could be the solution if you struggle to stay attentive during meetings. If you have an important meeting coming up, make sure you get 7 to 8 hours of healthy sleep the night before. With a good night’s sleep, you won’t spend most of the meeting stifling yawns and filling up on coffee. Instead, you’ll be able to concentrate to the fullest.  2. Come Prepared Preparing for an important meeting can hype you up and improve alertness. Before the meeting, thoroughly prepare by gathering as much information about it as possible. Review the agenda, gather any required materials, and establish your goals for the meeting. Running around grabbing fresh coffee or files can appear unprofessional and even distract other attendees. Make a checklist for all the materials you need during the meetings. Also, getting tasks out of the way before stepping into important meetings can improve concentration. 3. Take Notes An underrated hack is making notes the ‘old-school’ way. Use a pen and paper to note important points. You’ll be amazed how much you’ll retain by writing about it.  To avoid missing out on any important details, you’ll automatically become an active listener.  Listening attentively to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and asking relevant questions can really make a difference in your alertness. 4. Eliminate Distractions To maintain focus during meetings, it’s crucial to minimize both external and internal distractions that could disrupt the meeting’s flow. Disable notifications, put away your phone and close any unnecessary tabs or applications.  If you’re at home, choose a quiet and comfortable meeting environment, free from background noise or clutter. Since there may be multiple screens present at home, avoiding distractions can be harder. Hold yourself accountable by steering clear of them. If you’re tempted to check your phone incessantly, better to turn it off during the meetings.  5. Keep a Positive Mindset Meetings can be boring and long, but every cloud has a silver lining. If you arrive with a positive mindset, you may actually find a meeting interesting.  Conversely, if you’re set on having a negative view of the meeting, all you’ll be able to focus on is when the meeting will be over? Rather than thinking of the best ways to contribute to the agenda.  Focus on exciting opportunities a meeting can offer, like learning new skills or forming a task force with your favorite coworkers. Keeping a positive mindset can not just improve focus during meetings but also elevate your overall performance and mood.  6. Contribute in Meetings Intending to actively participate in a meeting can improve your chances of being truly involved. Answering questions, suggesting ideas, and providing examples are great ways to prove your involvement.  Similarly, if you know the meeting’s agenda, it is clever to prepare a few questions beforehand. Offer feedback backed with statistics, clarify doubts, and appeal for support if needed. If there’s a matter that needs management’s attention, a meeting could be a great platform to raise it.  7. Track Time of the Meetings Maintaining focus becomes challenging when the duration of the meeting is uncertain. Even the sharpest minds can have limited attention spans, and this can be particularly noticeable when a meeting appears to be dragging. Timing the duration of your meetings can be beneficial. By consistently doing this, you’ll eventually determine the average length of your meetings. Consequently, you can better estimate the expected time of focus.  For example, if data indicates you’ll have to spare 20 minutes for a meeting, it will be easier to stay focused during those 20 minutes. This is because you already know how long you’ll have to give your undivided attention. Tracking meeting times can be simplified by using automated time-trackers. We suggest investing in a time-tracking app to do the job for you. Just like a stopwatch, initiate it at the start and stop at the end.  Need a Time-Tracking Tool for Meetings? Get TimeBee Today 8. Access to Reports Having access to real-time data with employee productivity reports can help you identify if meetings are robbing your time. These reports classify your day into various tasks and activities, giving you insights into productive versus unproductive tasks.  If you notice meetings and calls taking up a large chunk of your day, you can take corrective measures. Set a daily or weekly limit on the number of hours dedicated to meetings to prevent the wastage of limited work hours. Drawing timesheets can also help you identify peak productivity times for yourself and other workers. This knowledge can help you schedule meeting times and durations accordingly so that you don’t affect participants’ productivity. We gave you our honest, no-nonsense tips for sitting through work meetings. But it’s probably a good idea to work backward and find out why you find it so hard to stay focused.  Why Can’t You Stay Focused in Meetings? The average human attention span is 8 seconds as of 2023, which has fallen 25% from 2000.  With all avenues of information, communication, and entertainment at our fingertips (pun intended), we are more likely to be sprinting in life as

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Career Burnout and its Effect on Health: How to Prevent it?

When you start out your professional career, you feel like you have the world in the palm of your hand.  You might work past office hours, on weekends, and skip lunch breaks to gain lead. All because you’re so pumped to prove yourself. You go on working like a machine, disregarding any advice from your seniors and family members to ‘slow down.’ Yet, as a car running out of fuel will sputter, you might start experiencing some tell-tale signs of stress.  Symptoms like insomnia, stress headaches, and anger episodes may start creeping in. Yet, most workers continue their unhealthy work routines and start to develop serious health setbacks. This stress ultimately manifests in complete de-motivation about one’s career.  This phenomenon is ‘career burnout’ and, as of 2022, affects more than 52% of workers in the USA. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines career burnout as ‘feeling depleted, exhausted, mentally distant or cynical about one’s job, with reduced competence and effectiveness at work’.  Ill-managed chronic stress can be detrimental to an employee’s physical and mental health. Moreover, it may also dampen organizational productivity and spike employee turnover if not addressed by management. What Causes Career Burnout? Management style and work environment can be the biggest determinants of burnout among employees. Let’s break them down: Constant Work Overload When your capacity aligns with your workload, completing tasks on schedule leaves room for relaxation. Conversely, being overladen with workload deprives you of establishing a work-life balance. Most employees may go on to accept more workload to impress their managers. Some may even fear punishment for not accepting increased responsibilities. A growing workload and the threat of management can be intense stressors. You may soon start feeling resentment toward your job. Limited Work Autonomy Disenfranchised employees often become dissatisfied, notes journalist and author Jennifer Moss. Indeed, when you have limited control over your work, things can quickly become frustrating. Inadequate access to resources and a lack of involvement in decision-making can cause resentment towards management.  Moreover, being treated like a simple button pusher can also be deflating, especially when you’re not given enough autonomy to handle tactical decisions. This can quickly lead to disillusionment with the end goals. Lack of Recognition Today, paying workers fairly falls short as the only motivator. Communicating that their efforts matter to the organization can make a difference. Good companies acknowledge workers’ efforts, while better companies reward them according to expectations.   If your salary and perks do not justify your efforts and dedication, chances are you’re already dissatisfied. Unnoticed contributions and insufficient rewards can diminish your job satisfaction.  Working in a Toxic Environment Unclear job requirements and dysfunctional interpersonal dynamics can make a work environment counterproductive. Unrealistic performance standards can also affect employee well-being. These are all signs of a toxic environment. Suspecting unfair treatment or favoritism by managers can demotivate you. If your supervisors are often rude and lack empathy or kindness, you might consider quitting for a better environment. Feeling constantly targeted or undervalued can swiftly lead to burnout. Poor Relationships Communication and camaraderie are essential between colleagues. But if these do not exist, you may find little motivation to show up to work every day. Working in isolation for long hours can worsen the feeling of alienation.  What’s worse? Burnouts can be contagious. Feelings of inadequate workplace bonding can permeate many teams in an organization.  Human interaction is the base of community. Workers working in an office environment depend on colleagues for support and trust. So a place where you’ll spend at least 40 hours every week must be a pleasant one. Why is Burnout on the Rise? Career burnout has triggered global interest in recent years. It has been extensively researched, urging policy-makers to improve stress quotients at work. Despite Organizational Behavior and Psychology gaining fame in the corporate world, burnout is still persistently rising.  According to famous author Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, there are several causes. Prolonged heavy workloads, toxic work cultures, and unfair expectations are major reasons. After the pandemic, the ongoing stressors of my career were exacerbated by health anxiety as well. Massive layoffs due to the global recession created a dark atmosphere of job uncertainty in the global workforce.  This compounding effect of many negative work factors made the world experience burnout stronger than ever before. How the Pandemic Accelerated Burnout Indeed has conducted an insightful study about the extent of employee burnout post-COVID-19 pandemic. 67% of workers from all age groups surveyed reported their burnout has worsened post-pandemic.  More than 53% of remote workers admitted to working way longer than their hours in the office.  This dismisses the notion that employees working from home contribute less.  31% of total employees (remote and on-site) have reported working way longer than their pre-pandemic schedules. The flexibility of remote work has made it harder for employees to unplug from work. The pandemic proved that effective results can be achieved without being present on-site. As a result, managers are increasingly expecting workers to chase deadlines and finish projects no matter where they are.  A 2022 survey by ADP Research Institute showed 8.5 hours of unpaid overtime per week. Workers are working round the clock between office and home chores, burning out faster than ever.  Economic Instability Another reason for higher work burnout can be the new norm of people having multiple careers. The tense economic climate has forced people to take on many gigs to support their families.  According to Deloitte, 37% of millennials and 46% of Generation Z are working secondary jobs. A growing segment is also running their own businesses on the side. While it may be a solid financial move, it is bound to take a toll on your health. Constant multi-tasking and increased responsibility have made career burnout a national health concern in the US, according to Dr. Ian Kronish. People have little to no personal time at their leisure to recharge or have hobbies.   Effects of Burnout on Your Health Chronic exhaustion and stress have far-reaching effects on the workers’ well-being.

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9 Employee Feedback Tools To Increase Employee Productivity In 2024

With the rise in remote work and teams spread worldwide, tracking employee productivity is becoming quite complicated.  Learning how to be more productive requires subtlety. Whether you’re managing in-person or overseeing a team of remote employees, you need software that can automate your tasks and give you timely feedback on their progress. You’ll need to find the right option for your needs. The right employee productivity tracking tools will help add employee engagement, not create distractions or overburden the team. However, as the open market is filled with many productivity tools with similar features, finding the perfect choice is difficult. In this article, we will be going over 9 of the best employee feedback tools that are effective, easy to use, and have a track record of increasing employee productivity.  What Are Employee Feedback Tools? Employee productivity tracking software lets you receive real-time information about your team members’ performance and engagement. You can track employee behavior for remote teams, mobile devices, and other devices with the correct technology. Employee productivity monitoring software often includes the following features: Most modern productivity tools use automation. That implies that your employee-monitoring software will examine your team’s work in the background in real time. This data can be used to generate a detailed report to help you manage staff performance more efficiently. Benefits Of Employee Feedback Tools The best employee monitoring software includes more than just basic time-tracking functions. It can aid in distant employee monitoring, thus improving company performance. Alternatively, this could be the productivity hack your team has been looking for. It may be used to monitor your team’s key performance indicators, optimize how your remote employees use their work hours, discover insider risks to team productivity and evaluate detailed project reports to create more effective workflows. The good news is that your tools don’t have to alienate your team members if you use the correct employee productivity tracking capabilities. Instead, you may utilize it to improve the efficiency of management models like the collaborative work management maturity model, which benefits both remote and in-person personnel. 9 Tools To Gather Employee Feedback These are the 9 tools that will help you gather crucial performance feedback on your employees, ensuring high productivity.  1. TimeBee TimeBee is a multi-faceted time-tracking tool. It offers a comprehensive set of features that assist in solving your time management issues. It allows you to work independently or with a team without worrying about deadlines or overspending.  TimeBee Best Features TimeBee Limitations 2. WhatFix WhatFix is a digital metrics measurement and analytics tool. The software doesn’t offer employee tracking per se but provides detailed employee performance feedback. Its controls are also quite simple; you can quickly get to what you want without having trouble navigating the UI.  You can help teams spend less time learning new software and more time utilizing its features. WhatFix Best Features WhatFix Limitations 3. Teramind Teramind is a relatively straightforward employee tracking tool. It monitors devices across multiple platforms and systems. This offers employers peace of mind when dealing with security issues and insider threats, especially with remote workers. Teramind Best Features Teramind Limitations 4. Hubstaff Hubstaff is a famous employee productivity feedback tool with many features. It offers automatic time tracking and project management options, making it one of the most practical and reliable employee feedback tools.  Hubstaff Best Features Hubstaff Limitations 5. ActivTrak ActivTrak offers vast analytics and employee feedback tools in one place. Although it shares most of the features offered by other premium software on the list, it has a very appealing and sprawling dashboard. The dashboard sets it apart from other feedback tools and leads to more informed decision-making.  ActivTrak Best Features ActivTrak Limitations 6. TimeDoctor TimeDoctor is one of the most well-known employee feedback tools on the market. It is popular because of its timely screenshots, accurate time recording for each project and subtasks, and automatically updated timesheets. TimeDoctor Best Features TimeDoctor Limitations 7. ClickUp ClickUp provides an all-in-one experience for managing teams of all sizes. Its streamlined work management solution naturally includes tracking and task management tools to help your team get timely progress feedback.  It offers advanced tools for productivity analysis, such as detailed reports for tracking tasks and complex projects. ClickUp Best Features ClickUp Limitations 8. Asana Asana is a popular project management and collaboration tool that helps individuals and teams organize, track, and manage their work. It provides a wide range of highly beneficial features for teams of all sizes.  Asana Best Features Asana Limitations 9. ProofHub ProofHub is an ideal time management software for teams working in a visual medium such as design work, advertisements, or other visual media. It is perfect for large teams, too, because you can add unlimited team members, and the pricing reflects that. It isn’t cost-effective if you have small operations.  ProofHub Best Features ProofHub Limitations What Features Do You Need To Consider When Purchasing An Employee Feedback Tool? You can begin to reduce your options when you’ve determined what you need for your job to be at its best. Here are some factors to think about when selecting a time management tool. 1. Usability The instrument must be easy to operate. You want something that you don’t have to spend hours trying to figure out before you can just jump right in. Search for user-friendly and intuitive interfaces. 2. Functionalities to Meet Your Needs Consider what you actually require. Some software may have a ton of features, but what good are they if you aren’t going to use them?  Make sure it checks all the boxes for the things you need.  3. Customizability & High Integration Every business has different circumstances, needs, and objectives. A good employee feedback tool needs to meet these requirements or at least be flexible enough to help create harmony within each team’s working confines. It also needs high integration capabilities so that organizations relying on different software do not suffer any unexpected workflow bottlenecks.  Fortunately, you need not have any concerns

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11 Employee Productivity Metrics and KPIs That Matter

Company productivity is a recurring business topic since it is critical to staying competitive. Productivity is defined as an organization’s output divided by its inputs. A corporation must not only track productivity but also show how it may be improved.  This necessitates selecting the productivity measures that will most impact your firm and then regularly monitoring its performance against them. Productivity can be defined as the efficiency with which individuals, businesses, industries, or entire economies turn inputs into outputs. These four levels are inextricably linked. The aggregate productivity of all individuals in a firm represents the company’s productivity.  Productivity is easier to assess accurately if, of course, you use KPIs.  What are KPIs? KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are measurable values organizations use to assess and track the effectiveness of various business processes and activities in achieving their strategic goals.  KPIs are crucial for evaluating performance, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed decisions. Here are some key points about KPIs: Why does Measuring Employee Productivity Matter?  Measuring productivity can help managers understand how their teams work and ensure employees can meet their goals. It also allows organizations to provide timely feedback to employees.  This feedback helps employees adjust their efforts to achieve business goals. Thus, it is a collaborative effort that requires timely communication and direction from both parties.  Productivity metrics also help businesses identify areas for improvement on an individual, team, and organizational level. Therefore, there are several benefits to measuring employee performance and productivity. 11 KPIs For Measuring Employee Productivity Here are 11 KPIs that you must look at closely.  1. Projects Completed This is one of industrial organizations’ most basic definitions of productivity when the same “job” is repeated with little modification. It is a simple counting exercise to calculate:  How many jobs did the company accomplish in a given period (as defined by the number of jobs done divided by the period)? The target number will obviously vary depending on the task’s complexity and output. This is a good starting point as it helps evaluate how much work is actually getting done, the status of tasks, and an organization’s output. It also helps prioritize important tasks, and it will vary from team to team and organization to organization.  2. Revenue Generated The revenues generated by a corporation from selling items or services to its consumers are referred to as sales. They are one of the most fundamental indicators of a company’s financial security. It is critical to distinguish between sales and revenue since businesses have additional income sources such as interest, money from litigation, royalties, and other avenues and sectors.   As a result, income is almost always more than sales unless the company is facing extreme losses and has high expenses. Unlike net sales, Gross sales can surpass revenue because they are not adjusted for returns and discounts.  It helps organize a business’ growth, revenue, and income. It helps put things into perspective and change tactics if necessary.  3. Sales Close Rate Rather than churn rate, which is the rate at which existing customers stop subscribing to your products and services, your sales closing rate is the number of new leads that convert into sales. If your sales win rate is below these numbers, you must improve and adapt to modern trends. However, how can you begin to make changes if you don’t know your closing ratio? To start, you only need to figure out the total number of sales leads you have had over a certain period. For instance, you can use sales leads from a particular quarter to give yourself a number. Once you have that total, compile your total closed sales during that same period and divide that number by your total leads. Finally, multiply that amount by 100 to give yourself a final percentage—this total is your close rate. 4. Sales Growth Sales growth is the increase in sales of a product or service over time. It measures a business’s revenue from sales performance. Sales growth can be measured by comparing the year-over-year, quarter-over-quarter, or month-over-month sales.  Here’s the formula for calculating sales growth:  Companies use sales growth to assess internal successes and problems and by investors to determine whether a company is on the rise or starting to stagnate.  5. Revenue per Employee Revenue per employee is an easy calculation to assess the value of each employee. You divide your total revenue by each employee to calculate revenue per employee.  This KPI indicates how expensive or profitable a company is to run.  This helps assess a business’ profitability/survivability against competitors in the same industry. This calculation offers a better comparison in companies where employees directly impact the profit, such as sales companies or investment banking.  When comparing revenue-per-employee ratios, consider how each company completes its daily operations. For example, a company that runs entirely online and a similar company that relies on in-person sales can differ in their ratio. 6. Total Cost of Workforce The Total Cost of Workforce (TCOW) is a metric that includes the total amount invested in human capital. It’s more than just employee salaries; it includes direct compensation, health benefits, taxes, and workforce overhead.  This KPI provides management with labor costs and the factors indirectly causing these costs. Nearly 70% of a company’s expenses come from workforce costs, so calculating this KPI is crucial.  TCOW should also include expenditures on the contingent workforce, outsourcing workforce, or gig workers if they work exclusively or spend a substantial amount of time each month working for your organization.  Historically, companies omitted these expenses from the calculation, which missed this important source of expenditure. 7. Overtime Hours The frequency with which employees have to work overtime leads to burnout. It means that workers are unable to meet deadlines during normal work hours and have to work extra time. Employers should use this KPI to evaluate why their employees are having trouble, whether they need extra time, or whether they simply need more workers to meet demands. These questions will

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4 Quadrants of Time Management Explained 

Mastering time management is a critical skill in our modern whirlwind of responsibilities, deadlines, and daily pressures. It enables you to optimize task completion and reduce costs. In an organizational setting, effective time management can make a significant impact on your bottom line. Without it, you will find yourself underutilizing resources and performing unproductively Many time management techniques have risen to combat inefficient time usage.   One such is the “4 Quadrants of Time Management,” invented by the 34th President of America, Dwight D. Eisenhower.  Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” brought this technique into the mainstream, empowering businesses globally. A study by a UK-based development company revealed that 500 people who used this time management matrix reported they felt more in control of their work every day.  Let’s Explore this transformative approach where urgency meets importance, guiding individuals and enterprises toward enhanced productivity and streamlined success. What is a Time Management Matrix? A Time Management Matrix is a strategic productivity tool, also known as the Eisenhower Matrix, that categorizes tasks based on urgency and importance. It consists of four quadrants:  This tool helps prioritize tasks effectively, optimize time allocation, and enhance productivity by focusing on high-impact activities. 4 Quadrants Explained Understanding and effectively managing tasks in each quadrant is essential to attaining a balanced approach to time management. This approach focuses on critical and impactful activities while preventing unnecessary crises and distractions.  Here is a detailed overview of each quadrant and an example to help you better grasp them. But before that, practice this to follow the method easily. When you start your day, write down all the tasks you want to cover. Once you have a list, you can categorize each task into 4 quadrants.  Quadrant 1 – Urgent and Important Pick the urgent and crucial tasks from your list and write them under quadrant 1: Urgent and Important Tasks.  These tasks demand immediate attention and significantly impact goals. They often involve deadlines, emergencies, or pressing consequences that, if left unattended, could negatively affect work performance and personal growth.  How to categorize Quadrant 1 Taks? The first step in managing Quadrant 1 tasks involves identifying urgent and crucial tasks that require immediate action. This includes impending project deadlines, critical client requests, or unforeseen obstacles that need urgent resolution. Once the urgent tasks are identified, the next step is to prioritize them effectively. This ensures that these tasks are handled promptly and with utmost attention to prevent any adverse outcomes. Prioritization helps allocate resources and time efficiently to tackle these crucial tasks promptly. Risks & Solutions Associated with Quadrant 1 The primary risk associated with Quadrant 1 tasks is the potential to become overwhelmed due to their constant urgent nature. This overwhelming feeling can lead to stress and a sense of being constantly reactive, impacting overall productivity. Solutions: Implementing proper planning strategies is crucial to counter these risks. This involves predicting potential urgent tasks and creating contingencies to manage them efficiently.  Effective time management techniques can reduce the risks associated with Quadrant 1, such as allocating specific time slots for urgent tasks. Example: Imagine you’re a project manager with an impending project deadline (Quadrant 1). You identify the urgent tasks requiring immediate attention – finalizing project deliverables and addressing unforeseen obstacles.  Now, prioritize these tasks to ensure the project meets the deadline, preventing negative repercussions. Quadrant 2 –  Important But Not Urgent Quadrant 2 encompasses tasks that lack immediate urgency but significantly contribute to long-term goals, personal growth, and strategic planning.  Despite their importance, these tasks often get overlooked due to their non-urgent nature. Focusing on Quadrant 2 activities is crucial, preventing them from escalating into urgent, crisis-driven matters. How to Categorize Quadrant 2? The first step in managing Quadrant 2 tasks involves identifying tasks that align with long-term goals but don’t have immediate deadlines.  These tasks include strategic planning, skill development, or activities fostering personal and professional growth. Next, allocate dedicated and regular time slots to address these important, non-urgent tasks. Creating a schedule ensures that sufficient time and attention are consistently given to these activities. Risks & Solutions Associated with Quadrant 2 Quadrant 2 tasks are easily neglected until they become urgent. Waiting until the last minute might compromise their quality or impact.  Reduce these risks by regularly allocating specific time intervals for Quadrant 2 tasks using time-blocking techniques. This helps ensure they are not overlooked or overshadowed by urgent matters. Example In the context of project management (connected to Quadrant 1’s urgent tasks), Quadrant 2 tasks may involve strategic planning sessions, ongoing team training programs, or brainstorming sessions for future project enhancements.  By scheduling dedicated time regularly for these tasks, project managers ensure that their teams are equipped with the necessary skills, anticipate potential obstacles, and devise proactive solutions.  Quadrant 3 – Urgent but Not Important Quadrant 3 tasks are urgent but need to align with essential long-term objectives. These tasks are often seen as distractions, interruptions, or activities perceived as urgent by others, yet they don’t contribute to essential goals.  Engaging extensively in these tasks can impede overall productivity. How to Categorise Quadrant 3? The primary step in managing Quadrant 3 involves recognizing tasks that seem urgent but do not significantly contribute to essential goals or priorities. These tasks include unnecessary meetings, irrelevant phone calls, or trivial interruptions. Strategies such as delegation, minimizing time allocation, or allocating the least resources to these tasks help avoid distractions, unnecessary time, and energy consumption. Risks & Solutions Associated with Quadrant 3 The risk associated with Quadrant 3 tasks is spending excessive time and effort on non-essential activities. To address this risk, delegate tasks that fall into this category efficiently to free up valuable time for more important responsibilities when possible, ensuring that they are handled efficiently while freeing up valuable time for more urgent responsibilities. Setting clear boundaries and learning to decline tasks that do not align with essential goals helps save time and maintain better focus. Example  In the same project management scenario from

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Employee Productivity Analysis: What is it and How to Measure it

Employee productivity is directly correlated to your company’s growth and profits. In 2023, unproductive teams and disengaged employees cost the global economy $8.8 trillion, equivalent to 9% of the world’s GDP. This lack of productivity is hurting small businesses the most. Employers like yourself are finding it challenging to maintain productivity. While some of this can be attributed to the change to a remote-first culture, there are several other factors, such as ‘quiet quitting,’ that have contributed to the decline in productivity. If you are an affected employer, consider conducting a productivity analysis and measuring your employees’ productivity to ensure efficient operations. Productivity analysis helps you identify inefficiencies, optimize resources, make strategic decisions, enhance competitiveness, and more.  In this blog, we will discuss the difference between productivity and its analyses, how to measure employee productivity, what tools are most common and easily accessible, the best implementation practices, and more.  What Is Employee Productivity Analysis? Employee productivity analysis systematically evaluates and measures your employees’ efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks, producing outputs, or achieving goals within a specific timeframe.  It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data such as output volume, quality, time spent on tasks, and resource utilization.  It aims to identify strengths, weaknesses, patterns, and areas for improvement in employee performance.  It is essential to distinguish productivity from productivity analyses. Although both may sound the same, they have different definitions.  Refer to the table below for the differences between productivity and productivity analyses.  Productivity vs Productivity Analyses  Productivity  Productivity Analyses.  Looks at efficiency and resource utilization. Measures overall efficiency and output compared to inputs. Focuses on assessing performance and efficiency. Refers to the general efficiency of an organization or project. Analyzes how well time and resources are used. Represents the output gained from the resources invested. Involves examining specific tasks or processes. Doesn’t focus on individual tasks but overall performance. Evaluates efficiency through data and analysis. Reflects the ratio of output to input without specific analysis. Productivity is a broader term, while productivity analyses involve a more detailed examination and assessment of productivity-related factors within an organization. RELATED: 10 Reliable Ways to Improve Productivity at Work How to Measure Productivity? Measuring productivity involves assessing the efficiency of converting inputs into outputs. There are several ways to measure productivity across various industries and roles. Here are the top 10 approaches. 1. Output Per Hour/Day/Week Output per hour/day/week involves tracking and evaluating the tasks or projects an employee completes in an hour, day/week to measure productivity.  Project management software or time-tracking tools can record and analyze the number of tasks assigned in these designated timeframes. However, to ensure positive results, you’ll have to:  This approach allows for a deeper employee productivity analysis that facilitates better workload management to enhance overall efficiency. Quality Of Work Quality evaluation is crucial for assessing the standard of work delivered by employees. It involves establishing clear criteria that define high-quality work. Here are some actionable steps to ensure a better quality of work and increased productivity. These clear benchmarks motivate employees to deliver high-quality work consistently, ultimately enhancing overall productivity and output quality. Meeting Deadlines This reflects an employee’s ability to complete tasks within specified timelines. To ensure this, consider the following steps: Use project management tools or task schedulers to establish deadlines. Consistently monitor progress against set deadlines to measure compliance and identify potential delays. Encourage effective time management strategies among employees to optimize their workflow and meet deadlines consistently. Assist employees in understanding the importance and urgency of tasks, enabling them to prioritize effectively. By emphasizing the importance of meeting deadlines and offering support or training in time management, employees can enhance their efficiency and can work more productively to achieve the targets.  Attendance & Punctuality Attendance and punctuality are important indicators that reflect employees’ consistency and timeliness. Therefore, you must record your team’s attendance and encourage punctuality. Here are a few ways you can do this.  Maintain attendance records through timesheets or attendance monitoring systems.  Foster a positive workplace culture that encourages employees to maintain regular attendance voluntarily. Offer rewards, recognition, or incentives for consistent attendance to reinforce punctuality and commitment. Identify and address any factors or challenges hindering employees’ consistent attendance. Provide necessary support or accommodations if required. Implement these steps to create a more disciplined and engaged workforce.  Sales Or Revenue Generated Measuring sales or revenue-generated progress involves evaluating an employee’s impact on the company’s sales figures or revenue streams. To assess this: Measuring your employees’ productivity based on sales or revenue generation can help businesses understand individual sales performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted support to enhance sales effectiveness.  Efficiency In Completing Tasks This aspect focuses on an employee’s ability to finish assigned tasks promptly while maintaining quality. To measure this: Efficient task completion ensures timely project deliveries, boosts overall productivity, and allows employees to handle their workload more effectively, contributing to the organization’s success. Customer Satisfaction Ratings Customer satisfaction ratings measure how much an employee’s work positively impacts a customer’s happiness and contentment. Here are a few ways to evaluate customer satisfaction ratings. Gather feedback through various channels, such as surveys, reviews, or direct customer interactions. Analyze this feedback to understand customer sentiments. Encourage employees to engage with customers actively and understand their needs to provide exceptional service.  Act on negative feedback constructively. Identify areas for improvement and provide necessary support or training to enhance service quality. Customer satisfaction ratings give you an excellent benchmark against which to tally your employees’ performance, especially if they are in a customer-facing role. Project Completion Rates Measuring the successful fulfillment of assigned projects or tasks given to an employee within predetermined timelines can help optimize productive output. To effectively utilize this measure: Conducting regular reviews to identify inefficiencies in the project workflow will help you make necessary adjustments to enhance project completion rates and overall efficiency. Utilization Of Resources If you are providing your team with the needful resources but are still seeing the gap in workflow,

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