Own Your Time: Powerful Time Tracking & Productivity Hacks

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      Meeting deadlines daily is one of the biggest challenges you might face. Like most individuals in the professional world – this is a problem you might not be able to overcome using conventional means. 

      If not dealt with, it can lead to continuous disappointments and, eventually,  burnout. 

      The challenge is not necessarily completing the tasks themselves but the time they take. So, how do you go about completing tasks on time?

      The answer is a simple technique known as ‘Time Blocking’

      So, what exactly is time blocking, and how does it help achieve unachievable targets? In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about time blocking, including proven successful strategies and dos and don’ts. 

      What is Time Blocking?

      Time Blocking refers to scheduling out hours or ‘blocks’ of your day so that not a single minute goes unaccounted for. Each block represents a task you must complete during that timeframe. Usually planned, this technique divides your work week into bite-sized chunks that you tackle one at a time.

      The fundamental concept of this method is to prioritize, organize, and accomplish. 

      Let’s discuss the top 7 strategies and best practices for time blocking:

      7 Proven Time-Blocking Strategies That Guarantee Success

      “One part at a time, one day at a time. We can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves.” Karen Casey identifies the ultimate purpose of time blocking in a single line. 

      Schedule Your Priorities

      Prioritizing is the basic foundation of effective time-blocking. Identify essential tasks of your day and align them in order of importance. Allocate specific time blocks of your day to each task while ensuring you are not over or underestimating the time limit. 

      Scheduling according to your priorities will not only help you complete the most important tasks of the day, but it’ll also help you maintain focus. 

      We recommend combining this time-blocking method with time batching to ensure the successful completion of your tasks. Gather a list of similar tasks and align them in a particular block of time. This way, you’ll achieve multiple targets in a shorter time without burdening yourself. 

      Use a Calendar App 

      Time blocking is a good idea, but we lose track of time when we are too worked up. Therefore, all the planning that we did earlier goes down the drain. Well, don’t worry, there is a solution. 

      If you’re familiar with the Google Workspace Suite or Microsoft 365, you will know both offer calendar apps. However, these apps do much more than tell you what day it is. Both offer extensive features to divide your day into chunks and rigorous scheduling features.

      If you have repeatable tasks that you must perform every day, you can put those as recurring events in your calendar. This helps you plan your days and weeks.

      You’ll receive notifications for when your next time block is due, helping you divide your time between tasks effectively. 

      Stay Realistic About Your Time

      Another major issue many of us face is setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves. 

      Regardless of our time-blocking strategy, if realistic deadlines are not set, it can hamper our ability to deliver on time. This, in turn, will disappoint and demotivate us. 

      It is important to prioritize tasks and track time, but it is equally important not to overburden your schedule. Always add breaks and other regular activities to avoid burnout when deciding on your timeline. 

      If you can’t complete your work, adopt flexibility with your working patterns, but do not let yourself stop in the middle.   

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      Apply the Pomodoro Technique

      Pomodoro and time-blocking go hand in hand. If time-blocking is how you divide your day, Pomodor is how you work through it. 

      This is how you use the Pomodoro technique: 

      Set four 25-minute blocks with a 5-minute break in between. Once you complete the four blocks, take a more extended break, ideally 15-20 minutes, to recharge and get back to work. 

      By working in short, concentrated bursts, you can prevent distractions and encourage yourself to give 100% of your attention to the task. The best part is that you can apply this to any task and manage your time optimally. 

      Set Goals and Deadlines for Yourself

      Setting deadlines is the crucial step to achieving a target or a goal. More importantly, it is necessary to implement a time-blocking strategy successfully. 

      Setting SMART (defined below) goals helps you perform your tasks more efficiently. Each goal you set must be:

      Specific: Should not be vague; must be clearly defined and atomic in nature.

      Measurable: Define a metric by which to measure the success of your goal.

      Attainable: Should be realistically achievable within a certain timeframe.

      Relevant: Must be within the scope of your job, abilities, or skills.

      Time-bound: Attainable within a realistic but ambition timeframe.

      Check out our in-depth guide to setting SMART goals here.

      Mastering the art of goal setting goes a long way in helping you manage tasks more efficiently.

      Break Down Big Tasks into Small Chunks

      If you worry that your task won’t be completed by the deadline, break down that task into more minor, manageable chunks. 

      Smaller tasks will be completed faster and will also fit into your time-blocking schedule. Identify your roadblocks and adjust your plan accordingly.  Following this routine will increase your potential to complete the larger tasks on time.

      Add Time for Unexpected Interruptions

      Despite your best efforts, sudden interruptions like a meeting, phone calls, or an emergency may throw your entire schedule into chaos. However, contingency should also be baked into your plans.

      When you plan ahead for the week, you can get away with overestimating how long something might take. This gives you the luxury to move things around when the unexpected inevitably happens. 

      Who Needs Time Blocking?

      After going through different time-blocking strategies, it’s time to answer one of the most asked questions. 

      Who needs time-blocking? 

      Before we delve into it, we must realize that this technique might not suit everyone’s working style or occupation. If your work entails more fluidity, the rigid organization of time-blocking may not be your best strategy.

      However, everyone working on the clock must manage their time effectively. 

      Here are a few groups of people who can see a rising graph in their progress if they apply a time-blocking method in particular. 

      Professionals with Busy Schedules

      If you work 9-5, you’ll need to have a schedule, and time-blocking is the best way to ensure you make the most of your day. This will stop you from over-commitment while balancing your work and life. 

      Creatives Who Need to Focus

      Whether you are a painter, a designer, a musician, a writer, or an individual who loves to take up creative adventures, time blocking becomes the barrier to your real world and imaginary world. It helps you to produce the most creative work within a set deadline.

      People with Conditions Like ADHD

      Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) curtails your ability to focus for longer periods. 

      So, it is better to find a long-term solution through time blocking that will allow an individual to improve focus and complete the daily tasks efficiently. 

      Students with a Heavy Workload

      Balancing curricular and co-curricular activities can be challenging for students. Therefore, it is better to divide your time into blocks so you can manage everything without straining yourself. 


      When you are an entrepreneur, you’re your own boss. When no one manages you, you must take the reins into your own hands. So, control your time and stay on top by time-blocking your day. 

      C-Level Executives

      C-Level executives are constantly juggling multiple tasks while carrying the company’s vision. If you are in an executive position, having clarity in how you will spend your day is paramount.

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      5 Benefits of Implementing Time Blocking into Your Routine

      Small habits make huge differences, and optimizing your day-to-day life with time blocking can significantly impact your overall quality of life. Below are the top five benefits of this particular time management technique. 

      You Get More Productive

      When you focus on a single task at hand, it is completed in a timely manner and becomes one of your most productive work. When you time block, you eliminate all the causes of distraction to concentrate and be more efficient. 

      You Procrastinate Less

      Perfectionism, fear of failure, criticism, and other causes of procrastination are a few. When you start time-blocking, you stop thinking about the negatives and only focus on completing the work. This helps you stop procrastinating and march forward in your mission. 

      Increased Focus

      When we have a lot on our plate, we tend to start multitasking, thinking it’ll solve our problem. But in reality, it’s causing more harm than good. Time Blocking helps by blocking your mind from other less important tasks and diverting all your attention to one task at a time. 

      Healthy Work-Life Balance

      Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is one of our biggest challenges because of our fast-paced world. Time Blocking helps set our priorities and ensures both trays weigh the same. 

      Stress-Free Lifestyle

      When you schedule your day through time-blocking, you eliminate the cause of stress by prioritizing the most important work. When you complete everything, you feel more relaxed and content. 

      5 Time Blocking Mistakes You Should Avoid

      You might have tried the time-blocking technique, but sadly it didn’t work out for you. 

      You might have done something wrong that hindered your overall productivity and time management. 

      Here are a few big Don’ts that you must avoid at all costs if you don’t want to upset yourself. 

      Zero Flexibility

      Rigid work structures can be extremely counterproductive. Often, zero flexibility has a trickle-down effect where uncorrected errors permeate across departments. It is, therefore, essential to allow some give in your schedule, especially for unforeseen circumstances.

      Overloading Calendar

      Time Blocking is all about evaluating and analyzing your time to accomplish specific tasks. But what we do instead is overstuff our calendars, leaving little to no room for emergencies or sudden functions that may come up.  This is why we can’t keep up with our schedule, leading to dropping the idea and returning to point zero. 

      Draining Yourself

      Everyone has a different capacity and energy level. But many people ignore this and try to pressure themselves. This overexertion may be quite motivating initially, but soon, it’ll become a dreadful nightmare. Not only will it delay your schedule, but it will also demotivate you to the point that you won’t feel like doing anything. 

      No Breaks

      When you require quality work, your brain needs small breaks to keep it refreshed and energized to carry on the tasks. However, when you avoid breaks, it results in your mental breakdown. So ensure you add enough breaks to your schedule to motivate yourself.

      Poor Prioritization

      To ensure you complete the work within the deadline, you’ll need to prioritize your tasks. Don’t neglect this major step. Always keep those tasks first that need your immediate attention and are closer to the deadline. Failing to do so will only add up to stress. 


      Time blocking has prevailed as one of the most effective ways to manage your time and achieve the unachievable. The best part about it is you don’t have to push yourself to the limit of burnout to become successful. 

      You can implement this technique without losing focus by dividing your day into blocks, prioritizing tasks, and dividing your day into blocks. You’ll surely see a difference if you follow the experts’ top 7 time-blocking strategies.

      However, to make the most of your time, you must avoid common mistakes, such as overloading your calendar, being inflexible, and not respecting your energy levels. 

      Remember to add breaks and be realistic about what you include in your schedule. 

      Pro tip: To enhance your time-blocking technique, use a time tracker like TimeBee. It will help you keep track of your exact hours and better schedule your day.