Own Your Time: Powerful Time Tracking & Productivity Hacks

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      In the contemporary world, time is invaluable. Whether in personal goals or professional endeavors, it’s a critical skill for attaining objectives and maintaining a harmonious life-work balance. 

      By definition, time management is the process of strategically planning your whole day to optimize every minute of it. You analyze your deliverables, break them into smaller goals and allocate time to each of these. It’s a systematic approach to handling your time so that your end goals are met successfully. 

      Time management is a skill that recruiters often look for when hiring for important position. That is because strong time management skills often indicate maturity and stability in professional and professional life. 

      Since time management is a number one essential skill, businesses cannot do without it.

      Let’s discover why.

      Importance of Time Management for Businesses

      Businesses of all natures and sizes depend on clever time management for success. 

      For small businesses and solopreneurs, managing tasks within a given time frame could prove their talent and potential. To attract clientele, you need to prove you’re capable of delivering results every time. 

      For large corporations, time management revolves around every aspect of day-to-day operations. From chasing leads to after-sales services, everything is evaluated in terms of how efficiently you did it. Since large businesses have hundreds of chainlinks interconnected, they cannot afford even one of them to be tardy or inefficient. 

      Developing strong time management skills takes time and patience. But you’ll notice that as soon as you start practicing these skills, your days become smoother and more manageable. It may take less amount of time to achieve the same results, saving you time. 

      The result? You’ll be stress-free, with higher energy levels and a happier mind.

      Let’s explore some more benefits of managing your time effectively.  

      10 Most Important Benefits of Managing Your Time


      In easy terms, having good time management means you’re able to complete tasks with some time still remaining. But it’s not only about having free time. Good time management has far-reaching effects on your mental health and professional standing. 

      Here are the top ten benefits of effective time management:

      1. Less Stress and Fatigue

      Effective time management means allocating sufficient time for each task, reducing the chance of working at an uncomfortable pace. Skillful time allocation helps you complete tasks promptly, preventing work from piling on. 

      Since you’ll have planned everything out, you will spend less time in the office overall and more time relaxing. Adopting good time management practices minimizes overtime hours to chase goals. 

      This also means you won’t be anxious around deadlines or stress about how you’ll manage— because you already have it all figured out. 

      2. Improved Productivity 

      Smart time management teaches you to work smarter, not harder. It trains you to get more work done in less time. By planning your day carefully, you can become an expert at identifying priority tasks and understand how they’re linked to each other. 

      By concentrating on high-priority activities, individuals can:

      • maximize their productive hours
      • accomplish more within shorter timeframes
      • stay away from non-essential tasks that chip away the productive hours

      With a razor-sharp focus, you may be able to crush your daily targets and take on some more since you’ll have extra time at hand. 

      3. Improved Work Quality

      Time management is not just about speed; it is also about getting more done with enhanced quality.

      By employing time management skills, you can have your agenda and workflow spelled out for you before you commence work. This way, you’ll be able to fully concentrate on the tasks on hand, minimizing any errors that usually result from rushing work or multitasking. 

      4. Greater Focus

      Effective time management enhances focus and concentration, enabling you to dedicate more attention and time to essential projects and goals. 

      Good time management isn’t about expanding your to-do list, rather, it involves getting more done in less time, with higher quality. 

      When time is managed effectively, focus is directed towards the most productive activities. This may help you in developing positive habits and seize unproductive ones. 

      5. Enhanced Goal Achievement

      Nothing boosts motivation quite like crushing your goals. 

      Through strategic time planning, you can efficiently do this time and again. Breaking down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks and scheduling them eases the process of goal attainment. 

      6. Improved Self-Discipline

      Time management practices instill structure and logic in your day, making you extra aware and conscious of how you spend your time. Creating and following daily rituals and routines can contribute to making you better accountable for your day.

      Time management cultivates habits that enhance goal achievement. It may help minimize procrastination and disruptions that may be responsible for slowing you down. 

      When you can control your day, you may feel motivated and responsible to perform above expectations and make substantial contributions to the organization’s success. 

      7. Better Work-Life Balance

      One great advantage of carefully managing your time is an improved work-life balance. Prolonged work hours elevate the risk of burnout and impair your social life. Planning your schedule ahead of time can save you from work chaos.

      Once you effectively manage your planned tasks, you’re likely to be left with some free time to relax and declutter your mind. Such free time can make a great difference in your mental health. Spending time on personal pursuits and socializing regularly with loved ones can leave you feeling satisfied with life.  

      8. Improved Professional Image

      Good time management and punctuality are ideal traits in both personal and professional spheres. When you’re able to deliver results on promised times, particularly in the services industry, you can create life-long customers. 

      This may be because trust is a rare commodity. By honing your ability to fulfill commitments on time, you can earn a reliable reputation at work and in your personal life. 

      9. Boosts Your Confidence

      Managing your time effectively while delivering quality output can be great in boosting your confidence. Attaining even the smallest of goals, such as checking off tasks from your to-do list, gradually builds your confidence. 

      Consequently, you become more self-assured in undertaking larger, more complex projects and assuming greater responsibilities. Such a confident attitude may accentuate you as a deserving contender for big promotions and leadership roles.

      10. Creates New Work Opportunities

      Completing tasks promptly provides you with extra time to tackle additional work. For instance, good time management may allow you to dedicate time to building your startup. Working on your endeavors daily could increase their likelihood of success. 

      In a professional setting, timely task completion may encourage your employer to assign you additional responsibilities, propelling your career forward for possibly big promotions. 

      The Cost of Poor Time Management?

      Now that we have demonstrated the advantages gained by mastering time. Let’s see the possible repercussions of having poor time management:

      • Missed deadlines
      • Lower output
      • Constant stress
      • Substandard quality of work
      • Work-life imbalance
      • Haphazard workflow
      • Deteriorated work relationships 
      • Weak professional reputation  

      Obviously, none of us wants to experience any of the above outcomes for our career or business. But in reality, mastering time is not an easy undertaking. For starters, 20% of the people are procrastinators. Additionally, 82% of the people do not have a proper time management tool to keep them accountable. 

      In the next section, we will discuss how you can hack your way into managing time successfully.

      Practical Time Management Techniques

      Incorporating time management strategies can turn your efforts into success. According to research, you can save up to 20% of your time by choosing the right combination of tools and techniques. 

      Here are the top 13 time management techniques you can use:

      1. Set SMART Goals


      Oftentimes, people lack the talent and knowledge to set goals that would garner results. 

      SMART goals are a time-tested goal-setting technique used by millions. It is a structured and logical approach to set objectives. It can be used by managers, workers, and individuals in their personal lives. 

      SMART goals are SpecificMeasurableAchievableRelevant, and Time-bound.

      Specific: Goals must be spelled out and leave no room for ambiguity. You must establish the outcomes and why they’re important.

      Measurable: Goals must be set in terms of units or numbers that make it easier to track progress e.g. percentages or dollars.

      Achievable: Don’t fail yourself before you even start by setting unrealistic goals. Goals shouldn’t seem daunting and overwhelming for those chasing them.

      Relevant: You cannot expect to feel motivated to chase goals that don’t mean much to you. That is why, goals must have importance and relevance to your job and life.

      Time-bound: Make sure each goal comes with a deadline. Leaving them open-ended may lead to laziness and procrastination, leading you to failure at achieving them.  

      SMART goals are a mold that shapes your vague expectations into clear and concise goals. Click here for a free SMART goal creation template!

      2. Divide Large Projects into Smaller Chunks


      Once you’ve set your goals, a great way to compartmentalize work is to break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. That way, they don’t seem too daunting and become easier to achieve. 

      Also, you may feel motivated by making gradual yet consistent progress instead of being stuck on large projects that usually take much longer to complete. 

      An added advantage of breaking down projects into smaller milestones is you’re able to predict roadblocks and issues in the process early on. You can then take corrective measures to make sure your progress is bump-free. 

      1. Time Management Matrix

      Not everything requires an equal amount of time and effort. A great method of prioritizing work is dividing it into the Four Quadrants of Time Management. This matrix, invented by Stephen Covey, helps you to logically distribute everyday tasks. The tasks are then listed on an importance-urgency matrix.

      Time Management Matrix

      -Impending projects with deadlines
      -Handling crucial client requests
      -Looking for new markets
      -Customer-loyalty initiatives
      -Personal growth, & self-care
      Non-important-Handing minor administrative tasks
      -Jumping on unimportant calls
      -Pressing matters
      -Personal calls & emails
      -Trivial work

      In Quadrant 1, you categorize your fire-fighting situations, where urgency and importance both are critical. These tasks must be handled with utmost priority. 

      In Quadrant 2, you have tasks and projects that are important but do not require urgent attention. You may designate a small chunk of time to them daily to gradually approach them. 

      In Quadrant 3, you’ll find less crucial tasks. These tasks are often time sensitive and require prompt action, but their occurrence does not mean the end of the world. Frequently disruptions and breakdowns come in this quadrant. 

      In Quadrant 4, you find mostly time-robbing and unproductive tasks. They do not need to be part of your pressing priorities and you can handle them at your leisure. 

      2. Eisenhower Matrix

      The Eisenhower Matrix, also called the Eisenhower Decision Box, is a matrix used for categorizing tasks to determine how you’ll deal with them. 

      The criteria is the importance and urgency of the tasks. It may seem similar to Covey’s Time Management Matrix, but this one goes a step further by helping you allocate a course of action to each task. 

      Urgent Not Urgent
      Do it now
      Schedule a time to do it
      Not ImportantDelegate
      Who can do it for you?
      Eliminate It

      This tool divides your workload into 4 boxes:

      Box 1: the tasks that you will tackle urgently since they’re super important

      Box 2: the tasks that are important but not urgent, so you’ll schedule them for later

      Box 3: tasks that you’ll delegate because they don’t require your personal touch

      Box 4: the tasks that you’ll delete because they’re unproductive  

      If you want to study the Eisenhower Matrix in-depth, check out our blog, The 9 Most Effective Time Management Techniques

      3. Productivity Planners


      You can create daily, weekly, and monthly productivity planners to stay on top of your goals. Planners help you organize your tasks in a timely fashion and track your progress over time. 

      Writing down your tasks and ticking them off as you finish them is a satisfying feeling that further motivates you to get more done. 

      You can either create your planner in a journal or buy one online from the countless options available.

      4. 7-Minute Life


      7-minute life is a productivity method where you focus on planning your day before commencing work. By allocating seven minutes each morning and evening, you are spending just 1% of your time to get a grip on your whole day. 

      Spending 14 minutes each day to organize your priorities and thoughts is a logical way of getting things done. The 7-minute life hack works by saving time on going back and forth between tasks that may not even be critical. Using this method, you can decide which tasks are important, when to do them, and how. 

      5. Eat the Frog


      Founded by Brian Tracy, this time management technique encourages you to do the hardest, most complicated task first. 

      In his book Eat the Frog: 21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, Tracy discusses ways to approach unsavory tasks that are blocking your time for other tasks. This method works great to prevent procrastinating daunting tasks. By getting the dreadful part out of our day, you have the whole day to fully commit yourself to the pending tasks.  

      6. Use a Time-Tracking Software


      As of 2023, 62% of organizations are using tools to track time. By tracking your time throughout the day, you can determine how much time is spent per task. From there on, you can make inferences based on real-time data and improve your time management. 

      Investing in automated tracking software can help you gain powerful insights about your day. TimeBee has been designed to help you monitor, analyze, and improve your time management. It helps you stay accountable to your schedule and make the most out of it.

      Start Your Time Tracking Journey with TimeBee!

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      TimeBee’s Time Management Features:

      Automated Timesheets

      TimeBee’s automated timesheets record every second of your productivity. You can analyze the real-time data captured by the app to see which tasks are most time-intensive and which areas you could improve in to better manage your time. 

      Productivity Reports

      To study your long-term time management patterns, the productivity reports can display data for past weeks and months. These reports are great for analyzing productivity trends so that you can spot the underlying factors for your performance and possibly, make amends. 

      Productivity reports categorize your work hours into productive and unproductive usage so you can have an honest introspection of your work behaviors.  

      Screenshot Monitoring 

      TimeBee goes the extra mile to make you accountable for your time. It backs your data with real-time screenshots so that you can have a visual idea of how you’re spending your time at work. 

      Web and App Monitoring

      If you struggle with time because you’re prone to distractions and time-wasting habits, this feature is for you. You can introspect your internet usage through this feature to identify your most-visited, unproductive web pages and apps. 

      From there on, you may either block these apps or steer clear of them. Since they keep luring you back in, it’s a good idea to let TimeBee identify your hidden productivity enemies.

      Distraction Alerts

      TimeBee sends pop-up alerts on your screens in case of prolonged inactivity. Similarly, if you want to curtail your unproductive web and app usage, TimeBee will issue distraction alerts on your desktop screens for venturing into unproductive domains.

      This is a small but powerful feature that helps you prioritize your personal goals. Distractions may seem harmless but frequent interruptions can cost you precious time that should be spent chasing deadlines. 

      7. Pomodoro Technique


      Catching a break amidst loaded work days almost seems impossible. However, taking small, frequent breaks is a great way to recharge your batteries and boost your productivity. 

      The Pomodoro Technique is a productivity hack that asks to work in 25-minute stretches, followed by a 5-minute break. After every 4 Pomodoro intervals, take a 15 to 30-minute break. 

      This hack is ideal for:

      • People prone to frequent distractions
      • Often end up overworking and feeling fatigued
      • Open-ended work, large projects

      Pomodoro technique works by not only encouraging people to get started, but it holds promise for regular breaks to ease things up. 

      8. Time Blocking


      Time blocking is the practice of assigning dedicated time slots to various activities. You set aside uninterrupted periods for focused work where you block out any other activities. 

      Time blocking enhances productivity and fosters greater focus. Additionally, it is one of the best techniques for those susceptible to distractions since it tunes out external stimuli.

      9. Use 2-minute Rule


      Distractions are inevitable; but how to deal with unexpected tasks demanding your time? If something that takes less than two minutes to deal with, don’t delay and do it.  If it takes longer, note it down on your to-do list and get back to it later. 

      The 2-minute rule is a great method to overcome procrastination. More often than not, things can be done in a jiffy but we procrastinate them due to laziness. When we keep doing so, we create ourselves a mountain of ‘small things’ we need to take care of. 

      Huge workloads often overwhelm us, and we may resort to either procrastinating again or rushing through work just to get it over with.  

      10. Delegate More Often


      You must learn to delegate to improve your overall time management. It empowers you to save your energy for key responsibilities and give your 100% focus and time to them. 

      Identifying the right person for the job and the tasks that are ideal for delegating take experience and knowledge in themself. However, once you master it, delegation may improve your productivity, both in quantity and quality, as well as grant you expertise in your domain. 

      11. Quit Multitasking


      Although multitasking may appear efficient, it frequently results in diminished productivity and more errors. 

      Instead, prioritize focusing on one task at a time, dedicating your full attention to it. Finish each task before jumping on another. By concentrating solely on one activity, you can deliver superior-quality outcomes and achieve greater speed in doing so. 

      12. Kill Distractions


      Distractions are an inevitable part of your day. Use a ‘busy’ status or share your calendar open to colleagues to avoid being sucked into unproductive interruptions. 

      Digital interruptions, like social media alerts or emails, can also devour precious time. Minimize them by allocating specific periods for checking and addressing emails or messages. Additionally, website blockers should be used to restrict access to unproductive domains. 

      You can also use monitoring apps with distraction alert features to zap you out of unproductivity and return to work. 

      13. Practice Saying ‘No’

      No one likes being overloaded with work, particularly when you’re about to sign out and finally have some personal time off. If you’re frequently burdened with extra work, you may struggle to accomplish your tasks, fall behind deadlines, and feel fatigued & overworked. 

      Safe to say, accommodating others while sacrificing your self disrupts your work-life balance and creates multiple issues related to mental health and productivity. That is why, it is important to learn to politely refuse frequent and disruptive requests. 

      We have suggested some brilliant ways to say no at the workplace in our blog How to Say No and Save Time for Priority Tasks

      Effective Time Management: A Game-Changer 

      Effective time management is an essential skill for achieving success, both in one’s professional and personal endeavors. It is much more than task completion. Rather, it revolves around understanding the relevance and relationships between tasks and optimizing your work quality. 

      However, you must develop the necessary patience for building good time management habits. Don’t beat yourself for falling into your old patterns. It’s a trial-and-error process. Mastering time and overcoming procrastination can be a life-long mission for some individuals.

      Time-tracking is a tried and tested method these days to establish accountability of your time. Combine TimeBee with the tips we’ve run through and see how well you do! 

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